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<Spase xmlns="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema http://cdpp.irap.omp.eu/AMDA-NG/public/schemas/spase-amda-1_2_0.xsd">
            <ResourceName>editor B: ions</ResourceName>
            <Description>12-second Editor-A low-energy particle data from the Geotail spacecraft.

            Editor-A data are only acquired with the real-time operation in Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC),Japan, while the Editor-B data are 24-hours continuouslyrecorded in the onboard tape recorders and are dumpedover the NASA/JPL Deep Space Network (DSN) stations.

            The ion energy analyzer (LEP-EAi) has two energy scan mode: RAM-A (60 eV to 40 keV) and RAM-B (5 keV to 40 keV). RAM-B is selected to protect the very sensitive detector from intense low energy fluxes that are usually seen in the solar wind and magnetosheath. The energy scan mode is automatically selected onboard depending on incoming ion fluxes. At present, only the ion moments in the RAM-A mode are listed for the LEP-EAi data.

            The ion moment data of the solar wind analyzer (LEP-SW) should be used only qualitatively. The LEP-SW ion moments are listed when the energy scan mode of LEP-EAi is RAM-B.</Description>
            <Acknowledgement>In any publications, the use of the Geotail data should be acknowledged, for example, as "Geotail magnetic field data were provided by Y. Saito, JAXA in Japan."</Acknowledgement>
                <Name>The Geotail Low Energy Particle Experiment (LEP)</Name>
                <Description>Reprint of Mukai, T., S. Machida, Y. Saito, M. Hirahara, T. Terasawa, N. Kaya, T. Obara, M. Ejiri, and A. Nishida, The low energy particle (LEP) experiment onboard the Geotail satellite, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 46, 669-692, 1994.</Description>
                <Name>AMDA at CDPP</Name>
            <Acknowledgement>Data provider Y. Saito at JAXA, Japan and CDAWeb.</Acknowledgement>
        <Caveats>Please use the Editor-A LEP dataset prior to the Editor-B LEP dataset since plasma moments in the Editor-A data are more reliable. (Plasma moments inthe Editor-B are calculated onboard.)

         The ion moment data of the solar wind analyzer (LEP-SW) should be used only qualitatively.</Caveats>
            <Description>Ion density</Description>
            <Caveats>Qualitative use only if Energy Scan Code = 2, i.e. if the energy scan mode is RAM-B/SW.</Caveats>
            <Description>Ion velocity in GSE coordinates</Description>
            <Caveats>Qualitative use only if Energy Scan Code = 2, i.e. if the energy scan mode is RAM-B/SW.</Caveats>
            <Description>Ion velocity in GSM coordinates</Description>
            <Caveats>Qualitative use only if Energy Scan Code = 2, i.e. if the energy scan mode is RAM-B/SW.</Caveats>
            <Description>Ion temperature in satellite coordinates</Description>
            <Caveats>Qualitative use only if Energy Scan Code = 2, i.e. if the energy scan mode is RAM-B/SW.</Caveats>