<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spase xmlns="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema http://cdpp.irap.omp.eu/AMDA-NG/public/schemas/spase-amda-1_2_0.xsd">
            <ResourceName>flybys ganymede</ResourceName>
            <AlternateName>flybys ganymede : ions</AlternateName>
                Energetic ion count rates and fluxes measured by the EPD instrument onboard Galileo in the Record acquisition mode. 
                In this mode, the count rates are accumulated during around 1.25 second. The full opening angle of the EPD telescopes 
                are relatively narrow, between 15° and 18°, and the acquisition period is very short compared to the rotational spin 
                period of Galileo. Counts and fluxes obtained with the Record acquisition mode can therefore be considered as directional 
                flux measurements. The local and equatorial pitch angles that are given are for the particles observed by the center of 
                the telescope viewing cones. The motor that rotates the EPD telescopes around an axis perpendicular to the spin axis of 
                Galileo can have eight different step positions, from 0 to 7. 
Data are extracted from the text file named 'galileo_epd_calibrated_low_res_v18.txt' produced and provided by JHU/APL and publicly available 
at http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/Galileo_EPD/latest_calibrated_data/. 
It is highly recommended to read the "readme_v19.docx" document also available at the previous link before using this dataset. 
It is also recommended to contact Peter Kollmann (JHU/APL), as some measurement channels are highly contaminated or saturated. 
All unreliable measurements are set to NaN. Energies, species and charge states observed by each measurement channel are discussed in 
detail in Kollmann et al. [2018, JGR]. 

  *  1996-09-06T18:32:45 1996-09-06T19:28:22
  *  1997-04-05T06:44:41 1997-04-05T07:40:18
  *  1997-05-07T15:36:54 1997-05-07T16:22:23
  *  1997-12-15T09:30:24 1997-12-15T10:30:00 
  *  2000-05-20T09:40:04 2000-05-20T10:40:41
  *  2000-12-28T07:54:42 2000-12-28T08:55:20
                <Name>Access to data at JHU/APL</Name>
                <Note>record mode : ion channels</Note>
            Ion Channels :
            * A[0-7] : M ≥ 1, Charge ≥ 1;    22 - 3200 keV
            * A8   : M ≥ 4, Charge ≥ 2;  3480 - 8200 keV
            * B0   : H+ ;	3500 -10000 keV
            * B2   : M ≥ 4, Charge ≥ 1; 16 -100 MeV (counts only)
            * TP[1-3] : H+, 80 - 1140 keV
            * TA[1-2] : He, Charge all; 108 - 4000 keV
            * TO[1-4] : O, Charge all; 192 - 8992 keV (TO1 counts only)
            * TS[1-3] : S, Charge all; 512 - 9920 keV
            * CA[1,3,4] : He, Charge all; 76 - 5600 keV
            * CM[1,3,4] : O, Charge all; 2.56 - 171.2 MeV
            * CH[3-5]   : S, Charge all; 12.32 - 840 MeV 
            * CN[0-1] : M ~ 23, Charge all; 23 - 269.1 MeV
            <Name>local pitch angle</Name>
            <Name>motor position</Name>
            <Name>all : A[0-8] : cnts</Name>
            <Name>all : A[0-8] : flux</Name>
            <Name>h : B[0,2] : cnts</Name>
            <Name>h : B[0,2] : flux</Name>
            <Name>h : TP[1-3] : cnts</Name>
            <Name>h : TP[1-3] : flux</Name>
            <Name>he : TA[1-2] : cnts</Name>
           <Name>he : TA[1-2] : flux</Name>
            <Name>o : TO[1-4] : cnts</Name>
            <Name>o : TO[1-4] : flux</Name>
            <Name>s : TS[1-3] : cnts</Name>
            <Name>s : TS[1-3] : flux</Name>
            <Name>he: CA[1,3,4] : cnts</Name>
           <Name>he : CA[1,3,4] : flux</Name>
            <Name>o: CM[1,3,4] : cnts</Name>
           <Name>o : CM[1,3,4] : flux</Name>
            <Name>ions: CN[0-1] : cnts</Name>
            <Name>ions : CN[0-1] : flux</Name>
            <Name>s: CH[3-5]: cnts</Name>
           <Name>s : CH[3-5] : flux</Name>