2.4.1 spase://CNES/Observatory/CDPP-AMDA/IMP IMP Interplanetary Monitoring Platform (Explorer), NASA 2010-09-27T18:45:12Z The IMP spacecraft series. Prelaunch, the 10 IMP's were called IMP's A-J. 8 of them were intended for geocentric orbits (A-C, F-J) and 2 for selenocentric orbits (D,E). Prelaunch, the latter two were also called Anchored IMPs (AIMPs) A and B. After launch, the 8 intended for geocentric were also called IMPs 1-8 and the 2 intended for lunar orbit were called AIMP 1 and 2. Only IMP E = AIMP B = AIMP 2 achieved lunar orbit; IMP D = AIMP A = AIMP 1 went into a geocentric orbit. spase://SMWG/Person/Robert.E.McGuire ProjectScientist IMP-8 Project Information http://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/imp8/project.html NSSDC's Master Catalog http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/masterCatalog.do?sc=1973-078A Information about the IMP-J mission spase://vspo/observatory/63 Earth.Magnetosphere Heliosphere.NearEarth Earth.Magnetosheath Earth.Magnetosphere.Magnetotail 1963-11-27T02:30:00 2006-10-30T00:00:00