2.4.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/STEREO-B/LET/stb-let-1min 1 min Ion flux 1 minute rate 2024-03-22T01:05:37Z * daily Averages and Uncertainties are calculated as follows: * I = Sum(Ii)/M * U(I) = sqrt ( Sum( Ii^2/Ni ) ) / M * I is the daily average intensity * U(I) is the uncertainty in the calculated average intensity * Ii is the intensity for minute i in one of the energy bins * Ii^2 = Ii * Ii (in case the notation is confusing...) * Ni is the counts for minute i in one of the energy bins * M is the number of good 1-minute records in the averaging interval. spase://SMWG/Person/Janet.G.Luhmann PrincipalInvestigator STEREO/IMPACT Mission Site http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/impact/ spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server https://amda.irap.omp.eu/service/hapi stb-let-1min Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface. CSV Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA Web application https://amda.cdpp.eu Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application. CSV VOTable CDF PNG Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. Caltech Space Radiation Lab spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/STEREO-B/IMPACT/LET EnergeticParticles 2006-11-13T20:07:26Z 2014-09-27T16:26:26Z PT60S Heliosphere.Remote1AU http://www.srl.caltech.edu/STEREO/DATA/LET/Public/ReleaseNotes.txt Al flux stb_let_1m_Alf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Al counts stb_let_1m_Alcr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Ar flux stb_let_1m_Arf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Ar counts stb_let_1m_Arcr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate C flux stb_let_1m_Cf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux C counts stb_let_1m_Ccr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Ca flux stb_let_1m_Caf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Ca counts stb_let_1m_Cacr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Fe flux stb_let_1m_Fef 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Fe counts stb_let_1m_Fecr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate H flux stb_let_1m_Hf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux H counts stb_let_1m_Hcr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate He flux stb_let_1m_Hef 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux He counts stb_let_1m_Hecr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate He3 flux stb_let_1m_He3f 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux He3 counts stb_let_1m_He3cr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate He4 flux stb_let_1m_He4f 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux He4 counts stb_let_1m_He4cr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Mg flux stb_let_1m_Mgf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Mg counts stb_let_1m_Mgcr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate N flux stb_let_1m_Nf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux N counts stb_let_1m_Ncr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Na flux stb_let_1m_Naf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Na counts stb_let_1m_Nacr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Ne flux stb_let_1m_Nef 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Ne counts stb_let_1m_Necr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Ni flux stb_let_1m_Nif 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Ni counts stb_let_1m_Nicr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate O flux stb_let_1m_Of 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux O counts stb_let_1m_Ocr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate S flux stb_let_1m_Sf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux S counts stb_let_1m_Scr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate Si flux stb_let_1m_Sif 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram -1e+31 NumberFlux Si counts stb_let_1m_Sicr counts/minute Spectrogram -2147483647 CountRate