2.4.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Rosetta/IES/ros-elc-az azimuthal spectra : countrate electron azimuthal spectra : countrates 2017-03-18T00:15:10Z Electron azimuthal (16 anodes) spectra : Countrates summed over energies and elevations. * Azimuth 180.0-202.5 - Anode #0 * Azimuth 202.5-225.0 - Anode #1 * Azimuth 225.0-247.5 - Anode #2 * Azimuth 247.5-270.0 - Anode #3 * Azimuth 270.0-292.5 - Anode #4 * Azimuth 292.5-315.0 - Anode #5 * Azimuth 315.0-337.5 - Anode #6 * Azimuth 337.5-360.0 - Anode #7 * Azimuth 00.0 - 22.5 - Anode #8 * Azimuth 22.5 - 45.0 - Anode #9 * Azimuth 45.0 - 67.5 - Anode #10 * Azimuth 67.5 - 90.0 - Anode #11 * Azimuth 90.0 -112.5 - Anode #12 * Azimuth 112.5-135.0 - Anode #13 * Azimuth 135.0-157.5 - Anode #14 * Azimuth 157.5-180.0 - Anode #15 Principal Investigator : James L. Burch, SwRI spase://SMWG/Person/James.L.Burch PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/Ray.Goldstein CoInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/Brad.Trantham DataProducer ros-elc-all PartOf electrons spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server https://amda.irap.omp.eu/service/hapi ros-elc-az Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface. CSV Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA Web application https://amda.cdpp.eu Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application. CSV VOTable CDF PNG Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. SwRI / ImperialCollege V02 Uncalibrated spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Rosetta/IES ThermalPlasma 2010-11-29T23:18:19Z 2016-09-30T23:58:44Z PT128S Comet Sometimes anode data are combined on board in certain operating modes because of telemetry limitations. In those cases each of the anodes is given identical values (sum/number of anodes). Occasionally the electron data exhibit a signal at narrow energy ranges between 200-2000 eV, appearing as short dashes in spectrograms, as a result of interference from a neighboring instrument (ICA). Anode 11 became noisy shortly after launch and since 16 September 2007 data from that anode have not been downloaded. In those operating modes for which data from 2 or more anodes are combined will result in the absence of data from one or more anodes adjacent to number 11. It was discovered after launch, apparently as a result of a light leak, that when the sun is incident between elevation steps 6 and 7 a high count rate may be seen in anodes 8 - 10. e- countrate ros_elc_az s**-1 Spectrogram 16 -1 Electron CountRate