2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Galileo/MAG/gll-mag-burst orbit jupiter : burst 2015-10-07T15:42:00.000Z High-resolution (burst-like) magnetic field data from the Galileo magnetometer, obtained from NASA/PDS plasma node, in various coordinate systems * 1996-06-30T02:00:53 1996-06-30T02:46:18 * 1996-09-11T02:38:24 1996-09-11T03:18:50 * 1997-03-30T18:49:45 1997-03-30T19:35:13 * 1997-05-06T13:00:21 1997-05-06T15:09:46 * 1997-06-28T13:50:33 1997-06-28T14:51:12 * 1997-07-04T14:09:40 1997-07-04T16:07:09 * 1997-07-14T10:03:14 1997-07-14T10:48:14 * 1997-07-23T13:11:41 1997-07-23T13:57:11 * 1997-08-07T11:06:40 1997-08-07T12:47:46 * 1997-08-23T14:07:49 1997-08-23T16:09:09 * 1997-09-18T22:34:48 1997-09-18T23:21:18 * 1998-12-10T19:36:45 1998-12-11T00:23:48 * 1999-05-03T15:59:53 1999-05-03T18:01:12 * 1999-07-01T23:52:38 1999-07-02T01:47:27 * 1999-08-12T08:17:59 1999-08-12T13:06:56 * 1999-09-14T14:36:17 1999-9-14T21:28:48 * 1999-11-25T21:06:52 1999-11-16T05:54:37 * 2000-02-22T10:22:03 2000-02-22T12:15:17 * 2001-10-15T15:30:20 2001-10-15T23:23:40 * 2002-11-03T15:27:25 2002-11-03T16:02:27 * 2002-11-04T21:48:26 2002-11-04T22:34:00 * 2002-11-05T01:05:36 2002-11-05T05:45:43 Coordinate systems * System III : R is along the Jupiter to spacecraft line, positive away from Jupiter. Phi is parallel to the Jovigraphic equator (Omega x R). Theta completes the right-handed set (positive southward). * IRC - Inertial Rotor coordinates : Z is along the spacecraft spin axis (positive opposite the high-gain antenna). X is roughly parallel to the south ecliptic normal. Y completes the right handed set (pointing roughly dawnward). spase://SMWG/Person/Margaret.Galland.Kivelson PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/Steven.Joy DataProducer spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF PDS GO-J-MAG-3-RDR-HIGHRES-V1.0 spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Galileo/MAG MagneticField 1996-06-30T02:00:53Z 2002-11-05T05:45:42Z PT0.3S PT0.666S Jupiter Jupiter.Io Jupiter.Europa Jupiter.Callisto Jupiter.Ganymede Interstellar Jupiter Burst GALILEO b irc gll_mag_burstirc Magnetic field vector components in IRC coordinates phys.magField nT TimeSeries 3 bx 1 gll_mag_burstirc(0) by 2 gll_mag_burstirc(1) bz 3 gll_mag_burstirc(2) Vector Magnetic b sys3 gll_mag_burstsys3 Magnetic field vector components in SYS3 coordinates phys.magField nT TimeSeries 3 bx 1 gll_mag_burstsys3(0) by 2 gll_mag_burstsys3(1) bz 3 gll_mag_burstsys3(2) Vector Magnetic |b| gll_mag_burstmagnitude Magnetic field vector magnitude phys.magField nT TimeSeries Magnitude Magnetic