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<Spase xmlns="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema http://cdpp1.cesr.fr/AMDA-NG/public/schemas/spase-amda-1_2_0.xsd">
            <ResourceName>electron proxy @ titan</ResourceName>
            <Description>Cassini RPWS Titan data are taken from Planetary Data System (NASA).
            Cassini RPWS Titan data contains plasma parameters derived from Cassini RPWS Langmuir Probe (LP) measurements for Titan.
            Parameter plotting arguments:
            N : electron number density per cubic centimeter
            R : radial distance from the center of Titan in Titan radii, 2575km
            SCPOT : spacecraft potential in volts
            T : electron temperature in electron volts</Description>
            <Name>distance cassini-titan</Name>
            <Units>Titan radius</Units>
            <Name>density e-</Name>
            <Name>temperature e-</Name>
            <Name>s/c pot</Name>