2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/Cassini/MIMI-LEMMS/cass-lemms-pha1min 1min One minute average particle intensity from PHA 2017-10-19T15:21:00 One minute average particle intensity data for PHA (Pulse Height Analysis) ion and electron channels. There are three types of channels included in these averages: the A channels, the E channels and the F1 channels. The A channels measure ions, mostly protons. The E and F1 channels measure electrons. For the A channels, channel indices 8 through 62 are present (energies of 26-758 keV). For the E channels, indices 15 to 62 (20-410 keV), and for F1, 26 through 59 (206-1717 keV). spase://CDPP/Person/Jon.Vandegriff DataProducer cass-lemms-pha PartOf flux from PHA data spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF PDS CO-S-MIMI-4-LEMMS-CALIB-V1.0/LPHAAVG0_1MIN spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Cassini/MIMI-LEMMS EnergeticParticles 2004-01-01T00:00:30Z 2017-03-31T23:59:30Z PT60S Saturn The data is background subtracted, and thus occasionally there will be negative values when the count rate falls below the background level. Also, the uncertainties are based on the counting statistics, and thus because of the background subtraction, the uncertainties can be larger than the data value. ions A cass_lemms_pha1mina phot.count;phys.atmol.ionStage cm-2.sr-1.s-1.keV-1 Spectrogram Ion NumberFlux electrons E cass_lemms_pha1mine phot.count;phys.electron cm-2.sr-1.s-1.keV-1 Spectrogram Electron NumberFlux electrons F1 cass_lemms_pha1minf1 phot.count;phys.electron cm-2.sr-1.s-1.keV-1 Spectrogram Electron NumberFlux