2.2.6 spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Interball-1/CORALL Corall quasi-3D Ion Spectrometer 2010-02-04T12:34:56.789 Hemispherical electrostatic ion energy spectrometer CORALL has fan-shaped field-of-view of 10 x 150 degrees. Satellite rotation with period about 2 min enables one to perform quasi-3D measurements of Energy/Charge ion distribution function in the range from 30 to 24200 eV/q with good energy resolution. The accumulation time on 1 energy step is 1/1024-th of the satellite rotation period, i.e. about 100 msec, and the scan period of 1 energy spectrum (32 steps) is equal to about 4 min. spase://CDPP/Person/Andrey.Fedorov PrincipalInvestigator spase://SMWG/Person/Reynal.Jimenez PrincipalInvestigator Corall Home Page at IKI http://www.iki.rssi.ru/interball/vdpcrl/corall.html Information about the Wide-range 3D Ion Spectrometer (CORALL) experiment on the Interball Tail Probe mission ElectrostaticAnalyser Wide-range 3D Ion Spectrometer (CORALL) on Interball Tail Probe spase://CDPP/Observatory/AMDA/Interball-Tail