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      <AlternateName>NASA Mission</AlternateName>     
      <Description>Wind is a spacecraft launched on November 1, 1994 and placed in a halo orbit to observe the unperturbed solar wind that is about to impact the magnetosphere of Earth. Wind, together with a host of other NASA spacecrafts constitute a cooperative scientific satellite project designated the International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program that aims at gaining improved understanidng of the phyiscs of solar terrestrial relations. The Wind satellite is specifically designed to study the Solar Wind and its excited sub-atomic particles.

White background, dark cylinder 1/6th the size of the frame, WIND spacecraft. a boom runs from upper right corner of page, through the cylinder to lower left corner. Instruments on the spacecraft are labeled The primary science objectives of the Wind mission are:

   * Provide complete plasma, energetic particle and magnetic field for magnetospheric and ionospheric studies.
   * Investigate basic plasma processes occurring in the near-Earth solar wind.
   * Provide baseline, 1 AU, ecliptic plane observations for inner and outer heliospheric missions.