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      <Description>The Interball Project was a multi-national effort that consists of four spacecraft: 
        two main spacecraft of the Prognoz series, made in Russia, each with a small subsatellite made in Czechoslovakia. 
        The main objective was to study the physical mechanisms responsible for the transmission of solar wind energy to the magnetosphere, 
        its storage there, and subsequent dissipation in the tail and auroral regions of the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere during 
        magnetospheric substorms. One pair of spacecraft, Tail Probe and its subsatellite S2-X 
        (X for the first letter of the Russian word for "Tail"), has been launched into the magnetospheric tail. 
        The second pair, Auroral Probe and S2-A (A for "Auroral"), had an orbit that crossed the auroral oval to observe the acceleration of 
        auroral particles and the flow of electric currents that connect the magnetospheric tail with the conducting ionosphere.</Description>