2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/MAVEN/EUV/mvn-euv-clb measured EUV flux Extreme Ultraviolet monitor calibrated irradiances 2016-10-12T10:48:29Z Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) monitor calibrated irradiances in three bandpasses: 17-22 nm, 0-7 nm, and 121-122 nm. See Eparvier et al, Space Research, 195, 203-301 2015 Principal Investigator : Frank Eparvier, LASP, Colorado spase://CDPP/Person/Frank.Eparvier PrincipalInvestigator EUV web page, Summary sheet http://lasp.colorado.edu/home/maven/science/instrument-package/lpw/extreme-ultraviolet-euv-monitor/ spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text.ASCII AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse PDS maven-euv-calibrated/bands spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/MAVEN/EUV ThermalPlasma 2014-10-18T00:00:16Z 2017-11-15T00:00:00Z PT60S Mars Data flag: * 0 : Good solar * 1 : Occultation * 2 : No pointing info * 3 : Sun NOT fully In FOV * 4 : Sun NOT In FOV * 5 : Windowed * 6 : Eclipse * 7 : spare energy flux mav_euv_fluxc Watts/m^2 3 A: 17-22 nm 1 mav_euv_fluxc(0) B: 0-7 nm 2 mav_euv_fluxc(1) C: 121-122 nm 3 mav_euv_fluxc(2) Photon EnergyFlux measurement uncertainty mav_euv_deltac % 3 A: 17-22 nm 1 mav_euv_deltac(0) B: 0-7 nm 2 mav_euv_deltac(1) C: 121-122 nm 3 mav_euv_deltac(2) Other total uncertainty mav_euv_deltatot % 3 A: 17-22 nm 1 mav_euv_deltatot(0) B: 0-7 nm 2 mav_euv_deltatot(1) C: 121-122 nm 3 mav_euv_deltatot(2) Other quality flag mav_euv_flagc TimeSeries Other