2.4.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/ACE/EPAM/ace-epam-lefs150 LEFS150 LEFS150 - ACE Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) 5-min Level 2 Data 2024-03-25T09:36:35Z LEFS150 flux data. Taken from ACE EPAM Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) Level 2 intensities at 5-min time resolution. Calibrated science quality data. The data are accessible via ftp in HDF and CDF from the ACE Science Center and CDAWeb, respectively, and in ASCII format from the value-added interfaces at those sites. The "parameter keys" given below are as used by CDAWeb. Please acknowledge the ACE/EPAM instrument team and the ACE Science Center spase://SMWG/Person/Dennis.Haggerty TechnicalContact spase://SMWG/Person/Robert.E.Gold CoInvestigator ACE Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) Level 2 data Home Page http://www.srl.caltech.edu/ACE/ASC/level2/epam_l2desc.html A web site hosting instrument information, data release notes, as well as web utilities for plotting and downloading data Rules of use, and caveats http://www.srl.caltech.edu/ACE/ASC/level2/policy_lvl2.html ACE level 2 data rules of use, and caveats ace-epam-h1 spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server https://amda.irap.omp.eu/service/hapi ace-epam-lefs150 Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface. CSV Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA Web application https://amda.cdpp.eu Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application. CSV VOTable CDF PNG Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. CDAWeb AC_H1_EPM Level 2 5 spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/ACE/EPAM EnergeticParticles 1997-08-30T17:01:00Z 2024-02-29T23:48:00Z PT5M The quality of ACE level 2 data is such that it is suitable for serious scientific study. However, to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, it is recommended that users consult with the appropriate ACE team members before publishing work derived from the data The ACE team has worked hard to ensure that the level 2 data are free from errors, but the team cannot accept responsibility for erroneous data, or for misunderstandings about how the data may be used. This is especially true if the appropriate ACE team members are not consulted before publication. At the very least, preprints should be forwarded to the ACE team before publication. ion flux ace_epam_lefs150_i LEFS150 MeV/nuc. ion Flux 1/(cm^2 s sr MeV/nuc) 3 0.540 - 0.765 MeV 1 ace_epam_lefs150_i(0) 0.765 - 1.22 MeV 2 ace_epam_lefs150_i(1) 1.22 - 4.94 MeV 3 ace_epam_lefs150_i(2) Ion Differential NumberFlux ion uncertainty ace_epam_lefs150_unci Fractional uncertainty (statistical) in the ion flux Ratio 3 0.540 - 0.765 MeV 1 ace_epam_lefs150_unci(0) 0.765 - 1.22 MeV 2 ace_epam_lefs150_unci(1) 1.22 - 4.94 MeV 3 ace_epam_lefs150_unci(2) Ion Uncertainty NumberFlux e- flux ace_epam_lefs150_e 1/(cm^2 s sr MeV/nuc) 4 0.045 - 0.062 MeV 1 ace_epam_lefs150_e(0) 0.062 - 0.102 MeV 2 ace_epam_lefs150_e(1) 0.102 - 0.175 MeV 3 ace_epam_lefs150_e(2) 0.175 - 0.312 MeV 4 ace_epam_lefs150_e(3) Electron NumberFlux e- flux uncertainty ace_epam_lefs150_unce Ratio 4 0.045 - 0.062 MeV 1 ace_epam_lefs150_unce(0) 0.062 - 0.102 MeV 2 ace_epam_lefs150_unce(1) 0.102 - 0.175 MeV 3 ace_epam_lefs150_unce(2) 0.175 - 0.312 MeV 4 ace_epam_lefs150_unce(3) Electron Uncertainty NumberFlux