2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Helios1/MAG/helios1-mag-corefit corefit : 40s Helios corefit data product 2018-10-12T10:48:29Z Please acknowledge Helios E2, E3 team and David Stansby in any publication spase://CNES/Person/David.Stansby DataProducer Dataset Description https://www.davidstansby.com/2017/09/18/new-helios-plasma-dataset.html spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text Helios Data Archive Helios corefit data product spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Helios1/MAG MagneticField 1974-12-12T01:38:10Z 1984-08-15T23:33:14Z PT40S PT300S Heliosphere Mag instrument flag takes the following values: * 1: E3 magnetometer data used; * 2: E2 magnetometer data used Magnetic field standard deviation is calculated as sqrt(σ^2Bx + σ^2By + σ^2Bz), with individual standard deviations taken over the interval that the ion distribution function was measured mag_instr helios1_mag_instr Magnetometer being used for data. 1=E3, 2=E2 -1 sigma b helios1_b_std nT b_se helios1_b_rtn magnetic field in solar ecliptic spacecraft centered coordinates (SE) nT 3 r 1 helios1_b_rtn(0) t 2 helios1_b_rtn(1) n 3 helios1_b_rtn(2) |b| helios1_b_mag nT