2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Pioneer11/MAG/p11-mag-full cruise 2015-10-15T16:14:00Z Pioneer 11 Magnetometer observations during cruise phase Obtained from CDAWeb spase://SMWG/Person/Elena.Budnik GeneralContact Readme file at SPDF ftp://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/pioneer/pioneer10/merged/coho1hr_magplasma_ascii/p10mgd.txt spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF CDAWeb spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Pioneer11/MAG MagneticField 1973-04-06T00:00:00Z 1992-08-01T23:00:00Z PT1H Heliosphere b_rtn p11_b_full Hourly averages of RTN components of fine time scale magnetic field vectors phys.magField PT1H nT Cartesian RTN TimeSeries 3 R,T,N components br Component.I 1 p11_b_full(0) bt Component.J 2 p11_b_full(1) bn Component.K 3 p11_b_full(2) 999.9999 Vector Magnetic |b| p11_bmag_full Hourly average of fine time scale magnetic field magnitudes phys.magField PT1H nT TimeSeries 999.9999 Magnitude Magnetic