2.4.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/MMS/MMS3/FPI/mms3-fpi-brst.desm DES : electrons Dual Electron Spectrometers : burst mode 2023-05-22T04:46:08Z FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all sur vey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible , FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the in dicated time. Error Flags : Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: * Bit-0 = manually flagged interval * Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap * Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V * Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential * Bit-4 = significant (greater than 10%) cold plasma (lower than 10eV) component * Bit-5 = significant (greater than 25%) hot plasma (greater than 30keV) component * Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth greater than 2.5) * Bit-7 = low calculated density (0.05 cm^-3) * Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field * Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field * Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied * Bit-11 = compression pipeline error * Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only) spase://SMWG/Person/James.L.Burch PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/B.Giles PrincipalInvestigator MMS home page at GSFC http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov FPI overview http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mms/spacecraft/instruments.html#fpi mms3-fpi-brst PartOf burst spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server http://amda.irap.omp.eu/service/hapi Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface. CSV Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse".. See the Rules of the road at http://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html. Please acknowledge the Data Providers. spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open CDPP/AMDA Web application http://amda.cdpp.eu Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application. CSV VOTable CDF PNG Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse".. See the Rules of the road at http://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html. Please acknowledge the Data Providers. LASP spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/MMS3/FPI ThermalPlasma 2015-05-06T00:00:00Z 2023-04-14T22:23:22Z PT0.03S error flags mms3_brst_desm_err TimeSeries DataQuality density mms3_brst_desm_n cm^-3 TimeSeries Electron Scalar NumberDensity density : err mms3_brst_desm_nerr cm^-3 TimeSeries Electron Scalar NumberDensity v_gse mms3_brst_desm_v km/s Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 vx Component.I 1 mms3_brst_desm_v(0) vy Component.J 2 mms3_brst_desm_v(1) vz Component.K 3 mms3_brst_desm_v(2) -1e+31 Electron Vector Velocity v_gse : err mms3_brst_desm_verr km/s TimeSeries 3 vx Component.I 1 mms3_brst_desm_verr(0) vy Component.J 2 mms3_brst_desm_verr(1) vz Component.K 3 mms3_brst_desm_verr(2) -1e+31 Electron Vector Velocity t_para mms3_brst_desm_tpar eV TimeSeries Electron Scalar Temperature t_perp mms3_brst_desm_tperp eV TimeSeries Electron Scalar Temperature heatq_gse mms3_brst_desm_hq phys.pressure mW/m^2 Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 x 1 mms3_brst_desm_hq(0) y 2 mms3_brst_desm_hq(1) z 3 mms3_brst_desm_hq(2) Electron Vector HeatFlux heatq_gse : err mms3_brst_desm_hqerr phys.pressure mW/m^2 Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 x 1 mms3_brst_desm_hqerr(0) y 2 mms3_brst_desm_hqerr(1) z 3 mms3_brst_desm_hqerr(2) Electron Vector HeatFlux press_tensor_gse mms3_brst_desmpres phys.pressure nPa Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 9 xx 1 mms3_brst_desmpres(0) xy 2 mms3_brst_desmpres(1) xz 3 mms3_brst_desmpres(2) yx 4 mms3_brst_desmpres(3) yy 5 mms3_brst_desmpres(4) yz 6 mms3_brst_desmpres(5) zx 7 mms3_brst_desmpres(6) zy 8 mms3_brst_desmpres(7) zz 9 mms3_brst_desmpres(8) Electron Vector Pressure press_tensor_gse : err mms3_brst_desmpreserr phys.pressure nPa Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 9 xx 1 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(0) xy 2 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(1) xz 3 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(2) yx 4 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(3) yy 5 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(4) yz 6 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(5) zx 7 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(6) zy 8 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(7) zz 9 mms3_brst_desmpreserr(8) Electron Vector Pressure temp_tensor_gse mms3_brst_desm_t eV Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 9 xx 1 mms3_brst_desm_t(0) xy 2 mms3_brst_desm_t(1) xz 3 mms3_brst_desm_t(2) yx 4 mms3_brst_desm_t(3) yy 5 mms3_brst_desm_t(4) yz 6 mms3_brst_desm_t(5) zx 7 mms3_brst_desm_t(6) zy 8 mms3_brst_desm_t(7) zz 9 mms3_brst_desm_t(8) Electron Vector Temperature elec eflux : omni mms3_brst_desm_spom keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux elec eflux : para mms3_brst_des_para keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux elec eflux : anti mms3_brst_des_anti keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux elec eflux : perp mms3_brst_des_perp keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux pa dist : lowen mms3_brst_des_palow Low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. Pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg. Note that pitch angles are calculated in the spacecraft frame; i.e., not shifted by the bulk velocity keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux pa dist : miden mms3_brst_des_pamid Mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. Pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg. Note that pitch angles are calculated in the spacecraft frame; i.e., not shifted by the bulk velocity keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux pa dist : highen mms3_brst_des_pahigh High energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. Pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg. Note that pitch angles are calculated in the spacecraft frame; i.e., not shifted by the bulk velocity keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux