2.4.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Solar_Orbiter/PAS/so-pas-hk housekeeping 2024-05-22T02:57:36Z ToDo spase://SMWG/Person/Philippe.Louarn PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/CDPP-AMDA/Andrei.Fedorov PrincipalInvestigator solo-pas-l1 PartOf L1 spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online PartiallyRestricted CDPP/AMDA HAPI Server https://amda.irap.omp.eu/service/hapi so-pas-hk Web Service to this product using the HAPI interface. CSV Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online PartiallyRestricted CDPP/AMDA Web application https://amda.cdpp.eu Access to Data via CDPP/AMDA Web application. CSV VOTable CDF PNG Thank you for acknowledging the use of AMDA in publications with wording like "Data analysis was performed with the AMDA science analysis system provided by the Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse". See the Rules of the road at https://amda.cdpp.eu/help/policy.html . Please acknowledge the Data Providers. IRAP spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Solar_Orbiter/PAS ThermalPlasma 2012-06-18T15:59:56Z 2024-05-21T17:52:31Z PT10S Heliosphere.Inner centr. CEM HV pashk_cem_hv_centr V Housekeeping periph. CEM HV pashk_cem_hv_perif V Housekeeping centr. CEM curr. pashk_cem_curr_centr uA Housekeeping periph. CEM curr. pashk_cem_curr_perif uA Housekeeping centr. CEM temp. pashk_cem_temp_centr C Housekeeping periph. CEM temp. pashk_cem_temp_perif C Housekeeping temp. heater1 pashk_heat1_temp C Housekeeping temp. heater2 pashk_heat2_temp C Housekeeping temp. heater3 pashk_heat3_temp C Housekeeping temp. HVPS pashk_hvps_temp C Housekeeping temp. analyzer pashk_anl_temp C Housekeeping +24V for CEM pashk_cem_24v V Housekeeping +5V for CEM pashk_cem_5v V Housekeeping +12V for HVPS pashk_hvps_p12v V Housekeeping -12V for HVPS pashk_hvps_m12v V Housekeeping +3.5V for FPGA pashk_fpga_3v5 V Housekeeping +1.5V for FPGA pashk_fpga_1v5 V Housekeeping temp. DC-DC pashk_dcdc_temp C Housekeeping temp. FPGA pashk_fpga_temp C Housekeeping +24V for CEM curr. pashk_cem_24v_curr mA Housekeeping +5V for CEM curr. pashk_cem_5v_curr mA Housekeeping +12V for HVPS curr. pashk_hvps_p12v_curr mA Housekeeping -12V for HVPS curr. pashk_hvps_m12v_curr mA Housekeeping +3.5V for FPGA curr. pashk_fpga_3v5_curr mA Housekeeping +1.5V for FPGA curr. pashk_fpga_1v5_curr mA Housekeeping +28V primary curr. pashk_28v_prime_curr mA Housekeeping main + HV pashk_main_phv V Housekeeping main - HV pashk_main_mhv V Housekeeping analyzer HV pashk_anl_hv V Housekeeping defl. top HV pashk_top_hv V Housekeeping defl. bot HV pashk_bot_hv V Housekeeping top cap HV pashk_topcap_hv V Housekeeping