2.3.0 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Solar_Orbiter/EPD/so-ept-e.south from south direction Electron Flux From South Ecliptic Hemisphere Direction 2019-11-12T10:48:29Z Solar Orbiter, Level 2 Data, Energetic Particle Detector, Electron and Proton Telescope, Rates. EPT measures electrons and ions in the lower part of the energetic particle spectrum. It effectuates measurements in 4 different fields of view : * Sun. Looks in the direction of the mean Parker spiral towards the Sun. * Anti-Sun. Opposite to the Sun direction. * south. Looking towards the south ecliptic hemisphere. * South. Looking towards the south ecliptic hemisphere. Additionally, EPT has 2 channels that separate electrons and ions: * Magnet channel. Uses a permanent magnet to deflect electrons. It measures protons with energies between 25 keV and 6.5 MeV and alpha particles up to 25 MeV. * Foil channel. Equipped with a foil that absorbs ions, it measures electrons in the energy range 25–500 keV. Ions with energies above 400 keV can penetrate the foil, contaminating the electron measurements. See http://espada.uah.es/epd/EPD_data.php spase://CDPP/Person/J.Rodrigues-Pacheco PrincipalInvestigator SolO Archive Support Data https://issues.cosmos.esa.int/solarorbiterwiki/display/SOSP/Archive+Support+Data solo-epd-eptel PartOf L2 : electron flux spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse http://soar.esac.esa.int/soar EPD-EPT-SUN-RATES spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Solar_Orbiter/EPD-EPT EnergeticParticles 2018-09-02T00:00:12Z 2025-08-12T23:59:55Z PT60S PT300S Heliosphere.Inner Sun.Corona Ions with energies around 500 keV can penetrate the foil and give a signal in the electron channel. In the presence of high ion flux, there could be a considerable contamination from ions in this product. el flux: south solo_ept_south_eflux Particle flux in foil channel 1/(s cm^2 sr MeV) Spectrogram 34 el flux unc: south solo_ept_south_eunc Uncertainty in electron flux 1/(s cm^2 sr MeV) Spectrogram 34 el cntrate: south solo_ept_south_erate Particle count rate in foil channel cnts/s Spectrogram 34