2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/MMS/MMS2/FGM/mms2-fgm-brst burst burst 2017-01-16T11:50:00 For the purpose of creating a unified FGM Level 2 data product, burst mode data is taken from DFG and survey mode data is taken from AFG. Because AFG and DFG are cross-calibrated on an orbit-averaged basis, small differences in offset may be observed between Level2 burst and survey mode data. Consequently, any differences are within the error of the measurement. Based on preliminary analysis of the data, the absolute error within the Region of Interest (ROI) is estimated to be no more than 0.1 nT in the spin-plane, 0.15 nT along the spin-axis and 0.2 nT in total magnitude spase://CNES/Person/James.L.Burch PrincipalInvestigator spase://SMWG/Person/Christopher.T.Russell PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/W.Magnus PrincipalInvestigator MMS home page at GSFC http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/ SMART package home page at SWRI http://mms.space.swri.edu/index.html Science Data Center at LASP https://lasp.colorado.edu/mms/sdc FGM team home page at UCLA http://www-spc.igpp.ucla.edu/ssc/mms FGM team at IWF http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF IRAP spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/MMS2/FGM MagneticField 2015-09-01T00:00:00Z 2019-01-14T15:58:00Z PT0.01S b_gse mms2_brst_bgse nT Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 bx Component.I 1 mms2_brst_bgse(0) by Component.J 2 mms2_brst_bgse(1) bz Component.K 3 mms2_brst_bgse(2) b_gsm mms2_brst_bgsm nT Cartesian GSM TimeSeries 3 bx Component.I 1 mms2_brst_bgsm(0) by Component.J 2 mms2_brst_bgsm(1) bz Component.K 3 mms2_brst_bgsm(2) |b| mms2_brst_btot nT TimeSeries