IMP 8 Magnetic Field Experiment
The magnetic field experiment on the IMP-8 spacecraft utilizes a tri-axial fluxgate (saturable inductor) magnetometer. The instrument originally had three, automatically determined, ranges, +/-12 nT, +/-36 nT, and +/-108 nT, full scale. Because of a range-change circuit failure occurring in early July 1975, the experiment was commanded into a fixed +/-36 nT range on July 11, 1975 at 12:55:09 UT and has been in that range ever since. The measurements are A-to-D converted onboard, to an 8-bit resolution, yielding +/-0.14 nT quantization sensitivity, which is larger than the intrinsic sensor noise level of 0.025 nT RMS. The data from the two-bit (per component) adaptive delta modulator, incorporated into the instrument, and applied to the intrinsic sample rate of 25 vectors/sec., was never utilized, and hence the rate of the full (8-bit) vector words, which occur every 320 ms, represents the effective sample period of the instrument. The sampling rate is synchronized to the spacecraft clock; the basic spacecraft clock frequency is 6.4 kHz. The sensor unit is mounted on the end of a boom approximately 4 m from the center of the spacecraft.
User will acknowledge the IMP-8 magnetometer team in any publication resulting from the use of these data.
IMP-8 Magnetometer Home Page
A web site hosting IMP-8 magnetic experiment instrument information as well as web utilities for plotting and downloading data.
NSSDC's Master Catalog
Information about the Magnetic Field Experiment experiment on the IMP 8 mission.
Magnetic Field Experiment