<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spase xmlns="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema http://cdpp1.cesr.fr/AMDA-NG/public/schemas/spase-amda-1_2_0.xsd">
         <Acknowledgement>Principal Investigator : Davin Larson, SSL, Berkeley</Acknowledgement>
        <Name>SEP web page, Summary sheet </Name>
                <Note>telescope 1</Note>
            <Name>AMDA at CDPP</Name>
         <Acknowledgement>AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la 
            Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and 
            Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse           
      <Caveats>For each telescope/ direction :
         *  FOV center in MSO - Geometric center of each field of view in MSO coordinates
         *  FOV center in IAU - Geometric center of each field of view in IAU Mars coordinates
         *  sun angle - Angle between the geometric center of each field of view and the direction of the sun 
         *  pitch angle - Angle between the geometric center of each field of view and the magnetic field direction averaged over the 32 second interval
         *  nadir angle - Angle between the geometric center of each field of view and the nadir direction, i.e. towards the center of Mars 
         *  fraction mars - Fraction of each field of view taken up by Mars 
       And :  mars : fraction sky - Fraction of the sky filled by the disk of Mars 
         <Name>forward : FOV center in MSO</Name>
         <Description>Geometric center of telecope 1 forward field of view in MSO coordinates</Description>  
         <Name>rear : FOV center in MSO</Name>
         <Description>Geometric center of telecope 1 rear field of view in MSO coordinates</Description>
     <!-- <Parameter>
         <Name>forward : FOV center in SSO</Name>
         <Description>Geometric center of telecope 1 forward field of view in SSO (spacecraft solar orbital) coordinates</Description>
         <Name>rear : FOV center in SSO</Name>
         <Description>Geometric center of telecope 1 rear field of view in SSO (spacecraft solar orbital) coordinates</Description>
      </Parameter> -->
         <Name>forward : FOV center in IAU</Name>
         <Description>Geometric center of telecope 1 forward field of view in IAU Mars coordinates</Description>
         <Name>rear : FOV center in IAU</Name>
         <Description>Geometric center of telecope 1 rear field of view in IAU MARS coordinates</Description>
         <Name>forward : sun angle</Name>
         <Description>Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 forward field of view and the direction of the sun</Description>
         <Name>rear : sun angle</Name>
         <Description>Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 rear field of view and the direction of the sun</Description>
         <Name>forward : pitch angle</Name>
         <Description>Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 forward field of view and the magnetic field direction averaged over the 32 second interval</Description>
         <Name>rear : pitch angle</Name>
         <Description>Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 rear field of view and the magnetic field direction averaged over the 32 second interval</Description>
         <Name>forward : nadir angle</Name>
         <Description>Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 forward field of view and the nadir direction, i.e. towards the center of Mars</Description>
         <Name>rear : nadir angle</Name>
         <Description>Angle between the geometric center of telescope 1 rear field of view and the nadir direction, i.e. towards the center of Mars</Description>
         <Name>forward : fraction mars</Name>
         <Description>Fraction of telescope 1 forward field of view taken up by Mars</Description>
         <Name>rear : fraction mars</Name>
         <Description>Fraction of telescope 1 rear field of view taken up by Mars</Description>
         <Name>mars :fraction sky</Name>
         <Description>Fraction of the sky filled by the disk of Mars</Description>