2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/Helios1/E1/helios1-e1-edist e- dist Helios 1 E1 electron distribution data 2018-10-12T10:48:29Z I2 instrument provides 2D electron distribution functions. It measures electrons in two different modes (A and B ,manually toggle). The only difference is the energy channel spacing. "There is only 1 elevation bin, so effectively a 2D cut through the electron distribution is measured in the ecliptic. * E/q range (A): 0.5 - 15.5V (16 channels) * E/q range (B): 10.7 - 1660V (16 channels) * Azimuth range: 360° (8 channels) * Elevation range -9° - 9° (1 channels) Please acknowledge Helios E1 team and David Stansby in any publication spase://CNES/Person/David.Stansby DataProducer Dataset Description https://www.davidstansby.com/2017/09/18/new-helios-plasma-dataset.html spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text Helios Data Archive Helios corefit data product spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/Helios1/E1 ThermalPlasma 1974-12-12T01:38:10Z 1984-08-15T23:33:14Z PT40S PT2500S Heliosphere e- counts helios1_e1_edist_n Electron counts over energy and azimut keV/((cm^2-s-sr-keV)) Spectrogram e- pdf helios1_e1_edist_p Electron pdf over energy and azimut keV/((cm^2-s-sr-keV)) Spectrogram e- vx helios1_e1_edist_velx Electron vx over energy and azimut km/h Spectrogram e- vy helios1_e1_edist_vely Electron vy over energy and azimut km/h Spectrogram e- |v| helios1_e1_edist_vmag Electron |v| over energy and azimut km/h Spectrogram e- phi helios1_e1_edist_ph Electron phi over energy and azimut degrees Spectrogram e- energy helios1_e1_edist_ee Electron energy over energy and azimut eV Spectrogram