<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Spase xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema http://www.spase-group.org/data/schema/spase-2_2_6.xsd"> <Version>2.2.6</Version> <Instrument> <ResourceID>spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Galileo/EPD</ResourceID> <ResourceHeader> <ResourceName>Galileo EPD</ResourceName> <AlternateName>Galileo Energetic Particles Detector</AlternateName> <ReleaseDate>2014-07-30T21:10:13Z</ReleaseDate> <Description> The EPD was developed by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute of Areronomy (MPAe), Germany, as part of NASA's Galileo Program. The EPD was successfully launched on the Galileo spacecraft in October 1989 from the Space Shuttle, and soon thereafter achieved its Initial Delta VEGA trajectory towards Jupiter. On the way to Jupiter, Galileo flew by Venus on 9 February 1990, and by Earth on 8 December 1990. It returned to Earth for a final flyby on 8 December 1992 and was placed on trajectory to Jupiter. It arrived at that giant planet on 7 December 1995. The EPD measures the detailed energy and angular distribution of the following: · ions (Z >= 1) from 0.020 to 55 MeV, · electrons from 0.015 MeV to more than 11 MeV, · ion composition from 0.010 MeV/nuc to over 10 MeV/nuc, ·the elemental species helium through iron from approximately 10 keV/nuc to 15 Mev/nuc. </Description> <Acknowledgement/> <Contact> <PersonID>spase://SMWG/Person/Tom.Krimigis</PersonID> <Role>PrincipalInvestigator</Role> </Contact> <InformationURL> <Name>Instrument home page at JHU/APL</Name> <URL>http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/Galileo_EPD/index.html</URL> </InformationURL> </ResourceHeader> <InstrumentType>EnergeticParticleInstrument</InstrumentType> <InvestigationName>Energetic Particle Detector</InvestigationName> <ObservatoryID>spase://CDPP/Observatory/AMDA/Galileo</ObservatoryID> <Caveats/> </Instrument> </Spase>