2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/Galileo/EPD/gll-epd-rt ion channels Energetic ions : omnidirectional 2019-03-07T14:12:24Z Energetic ion count rates and fluxes measured by the EPD instrument onboard Galileo in the Real Time acquisition mode. In this mode, the count rates are accumulated during 10 to 12 minutes. This accumulation period is long enough so that the EPD telescopes have pointed towards all the direction of the sky. The count rates and fluxes measured with the Real Time acquisition mode are therefore omnidirectionnal observations. Data are extracted from the text file named 'galileo_epd_calibrated_low_res_v18.txt' produced and provided by JHU/APL and publicly available at http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/Galileo_EPD/latest_calibrated_data/. It is highly recommended to read the 'readme_v19.docx' document also available at the previous link before using this dataset. It is also recommended to contact Peter Kollmann (JHU/APL), as some measurement channels are highly contaminated or saturated. All unreliable measurements are set to NaN. Energies, species and charge states observed by each measurement channel are discussed in detail in Kollmann et al. [2018, JGR]. spase://SMWG/Person/Donald.J.Williams PrincipalInvestigator spase://CDPP/Person/Peter.Kollmann DataProducer spase://CDPP/Person/Christopher.Paranicas CoInvestigator spase://CDPP/Person/Norbert.Krupp CoInvestigator Access to data at JHU/APL http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/Galileo_EPD/latest_calibrated_data/ gll-epd-realtime PartOf realtime mode spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF JHU/APL http://sd-www.jhuapl.edu/Galileo_EPD/latest_calibrated_data/galileo_epd_calibrated_low_res_v18.txt spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/Galileo/EPD EnergeticParticles 1996-05-27T00:14:24Z 2003-09-21T18:15:57Z PT600S PT720S Jupiter Ion Channels : * A[0-7] : M ≥ 1, Charge ≥ 1; 22 - 3200 keV * A8 : M ≥ 4, Charge ≥ 2; 3480 - 8200 keV * B0 : H+ ; 3500 -10000 keV * B2 : M ≥ 4, Charge ≥ 1; 16 -100 MeV (counts only) * TP[1-3] : H+, 80 - 1140 keV * TA[1-2] : He, Charge all; 108 - 4000 keV * TO[1-4] : O, Charge all; 192 - 8992 keV (TO1 counts only) * TS[1-3] : S, Charge all; 512 - 9920 keV L-shell gll_epd_l TimeSeries Other all : A[0-8] : cnts gll_epd_acounts s**-1 Spectrogram 9 Ion CountRate all : A[0-8] : flux gll_epd_aflux cm**-2.s**-1.sr**-1.keV**-1 Spectrogram 9 Ion NumberFlux h : B[0,2] : cnts gll_epd_bprotcnts s**-1 Spectrogram 2 Proton CountRate h : B[0,2] : flux gll_epd_bprotflux cm**-2.s**-1.sr**-1.keV**-1 Spectrogram 2 Proton NumberFlux h : TP[1-3] : cnts gll_epd_tpcounts s**-1 Spectrogram 3 Proton CountRate h : TP[1-3] : flux gll_epd_tpflux cm**-2.s**-1.sr**-1.keV**-1 Spectrogram 3 Proton NumberFlux he : TA[1-2] : cnts gll_epd_tacounts s**-1 Spectrogram 2 Ion CountRate he : TA[1-2] : flux gll_epd_taflux cm**-2.s**-1.sr**-1.keV**-1 Spectrogram 2 Ion NumberFlux o : TO[1-4] : cnts gll_epd_tocounts s**-1 Spectrogram 4 Ion CountRate o : TO[1-4] : flux gll_epd_toflux cm**-2.s**-1.sr**-1.keV**-1 Spectrogram 4 Ion NumberFlux s : TS[1-3] : cnts gll_epd_tscounts s**-1 Spectrogram 3 Ion CountRate s : TS[1-3] : flux gll_epd_tsflux cm**-2.s**-1.sr**-1.keV**-1 Spectrogram 3 Ion NumberFlux