2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/MMS/MMS4/FPI/mms4-fpi-brst.desm DES : electrons Dual Electron Spectrometers : burst mode 2017-01-16T11:50:00 FPI usually operates in Fast Survey (FS) Mode in the MMS Region Of Interest (ROI) for the current Mission Phase. Data are taken at burst (30/150 ms for DES/DIS) resolution in this mode. Data are also made available at survey (4.5 s) resolution. Per mission design, not all burst-resolution data are downlinked, but all sur vey data are downlinked. Planning around calibration activities, avoidance of Earth radiation belts, etc, when possible , FPI usually operates in Slow Survey (SS) Mode (60 s resolution) outside of ROI. This moments product contains results from integrating the standard moments of phase-space distributions formed from the indicated data type (DES/DIS burst, FS or SS). For convenience, some additional parameters are included to augment those most commonly found in a moments product of this sort, plus time-stamps and other annotation characterizing the state of the instrument system at the in dicated time. Error Flags : Value of zero signifies no quality errors. For non-zero values: * Bit-0 = manually flagged interval * Bit-1 = overcounting/saturation effects likely present in skymap * Bit-2 = reported spacecraft potential above 20V * Bit-3 = invalid/unavailable spacecraft potential * Bit-4 = significant (greater than 10%) cold plasma (lower than 10eV) component * Bit-5 = significant (greater than 25%) hot plasma (greater than 30keV) component * Bit-6 = high sonic Mach number (v/vth greater than 2.5) * Bit-7 = low calculated density (0.05 cm^-3) * Bit-8 = bentPipe magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field * Bit-9 = srvy l2pre magnetic field used instead of brst l2pre magnetic field * Bit-10 = no internally generated photoelectron correction applied * Bit-11 = compression pipeline error * Bit-12 = spintone calculation error (DBCS only) spase://CNES/Person/James.L.Burch PrincipalInvestigator spase://CNES/Person/B.Giles PrincipalInvestigator MMS home page at GSFC http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov FPI overview http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mms/spacecraft/instruments.html#fpi mms4-fpi-brst PartOf burst spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF LASP spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/MMS4/FPI ThermalPlasma 2000-08-22T00:00:00Z 2019-01-14T15:58:00Z PT0.03S error flags mms4_brst_desm_err TimeSeries density mms4_brst_desm_n cm^-3 TimeSeries density : err mms4_brst_desm_nerr cm^-3 TimeSeries v_gse mms4_brst_desm_v -1e+31 km/s Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 vx Component.I 1 mms4_brst_desm_v(0) vy Component.J 2 mms4_brst_desm_v(1) vz Component.K 3 mms4_brst_desm_v(2) v_gse : err mms4_brst_desm_verr -1e+31 km/s TimeSeries 3 vx Component.I 1 mms4_brst_desm_verr(0) vy Component.J 2 mms4_brst_desm_verr(1) vz Component.K 3 mms4_brst_desm_verr(2) t_para mms4_brst_desm_tpar eV TimeSeries t_perp mms4_brst_desm_tperp eV TimeSeries heatq_gse mms4_brst_desm_hq phys.pressure mW/m^2 Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 x 1 mms4_brst_desm_hq(0) y 2 mms4_brst_desm_hq(1) z 3 mms4_brst_desm_hq(2) Electron Vector HeatFlux heatq_gse : err mms4_brst_desm_hqerr phys.pressure mW/m^2 Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 x 1 mms4_brst_desm_hqerr(0) y 2 mms4_brst_desm_hqerr(1) z 3 mms4_brst_desm_hqerr(2) Electron Vector HeatFlux press_tensor_gse mms4_brst_desmpres phys.pressure nPa Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 9 xx 1 mms4_brst_desmpres(0) xy 2 mms4_brst_desmpres(1) xz 3 mms4_brst_desmpres(2) yx 4 mms4_brst_desmpres(3) yy 5 mms4_brst_desmpres(4) yz 6 mms4_brst_desmpres(5) zx 7 mms4_brst_desmpres(6) zy 8 mms4_brst_desmpres(7) zz 9 mms4_brst_desmpres(8) press_tensor_gse : err mms4_brst_desmpreserr phys.pressure nPa Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 9 xx 1 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(0) xy 2 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(1) xz 3 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(2) yx 4 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(3) yy 5 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(4) yz 6 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(5) zx 7 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(6) zy 8 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(7) zz 9 mms4_brst_desmpreserr(8) temp_tensor_gse mms4_brst_desm_t eV Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 9 xx 1 mms4_brst_desm_t(0) xy 2 mms4_brst_desm_t(1) xz 3 mms4_brst_desm_t(2) yx 4 mms4_brst_desm_t(3) yy 5 mms4_brst_desm_t(4) yz 6 mms4_brst_desm_t(5) zx 7 mms4_brst_desm_t(6) zy 8 mms4_brst_desm_t(7) zz 9 mms4_brst_desm_t(8) elec eflux : omni mms4_brst_desm_spom keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux elec eflux : para mms4_brst_des_para keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux elec eflux : anti mms4_brst_des_anti keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux elec eflux : perp mms4_brst_des_perp keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux pa dist : lowen mms4_brst_des_palow Low energy bin: 0 eV - 200 eV. Pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg. Note that pitch angles are calculated in the spacecraft frame; i.e., not shifted by the bulk velocity keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux pa dist : miden mms4_brst_des_pamid Mid energy bin: 200 eV - 2 keV. Pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg. Note that pitch angles are calculated in the spacecraft frame; i.e., not shifted by the bulk velocity keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux pa dist : highen mms4_brst_des_pahigh High energy bin: 2 keV - 30 keV. Pitch-angle bin size: 6 deg. Note that pitch angles are calculated in the spacecraft frame; i.e., not shifted by the bulk velocity keV/(cm^2-s-sr-keV) Spectrogram Electron EnergyFlux