2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/PSP/SPC/psp-spc-flag quality flags SWEAP Level 3 data quality flags 2019-11-12T10:48:29Z This data set contains annotative quality flags to signify whether a given measurement has been made under ideal conditions. The list of flags is: * (0) general flag * (1) primary peak low signal * (2) no primary peak detected * (3) cold primary peak or current spike detected * (4) sensor saturated * (5) primary peak not bound * (6) poor Maxwellian fit to primary peak * (7) flow direction poorly constrained or undetermined * (8) alpha peak low signal/not identified * (9) poor Maxwellian fit to alpha peak * (10) alpha peak not bound * (11) wind speed off scale high * (12) wind speed off scale low * (13) wind speed off scale unknown * (14) likely proton-alpha confusion * (15) unusually high noise levels detected * (16) proton full-scan mode (not peak-tracking) * (17) reduced data quality: anomalous periodic noise type A, (above 1Hz) * (18) reduced data quality: anomalous periodic noise type B (under 1Hz) * (19) temperature/survival heater cycling: potential fluctuations * (20) reduced data quality: broadband or other anomalous noise (type C) * (21) fragmented or incomplete spectrum measured * (22) energy ranging/peak tracking error * (23) spacecraft maneuver * (24) not used/TBD * (25) not used/TBD * (26) not used/TBD * (27) not used/TBD * (28) not used/TBD * (29) not used/TBD * (30) not used/TBD * (31) not used/TBD Please acknowledge the NASA Parker Solar Probe Mission and SWEAP team led by Justin Kasper for use of data. spase://SMWG/Person/Justin.C.Kasper PrincipalInvestigator spase://SMWG/Person/Anthony.W.Case SPCInstrumentScientist User Guide https://spdf.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/psp/sweap/sweap_data_user_guide.pdf User Guide for Parker Solar Probe SWEAP-SPC Investigation Data Products spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu Text AMDA is a science analysis system provided by the Centre de Donnees de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) supported by CNRS, CNES, Observatoire de Paris and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse SPDF psp/sweap/spc/l3/l3i/ Please acknowledge the CDAWeb team at GSFC/SPDF. spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/PSP/SPC Spectrum 2018-09-02T00:00:12Z 2025-08-12T23:59:55Z PT0.2S PT30S Heliosphere.Inner Sun.Corona data quality flag psp_spc_dqf 23 flag (1) 1 psp_spc_dqf(0) flag (2) 2 psp_spc_dqf(1) flag (3) 3 psp_spc_dqf(2) flag (4) 4 psp_spc_dqf(3) flag (5) 5 psp_spc_dqf(4) flag (6) 6 psp_spc_dqf(5) flag (7) 7 psp_spc_dqf(6) flag (8) 8 psp_spc_dqf(7) flag (9) 9 psp_spc_dqf(8) flag (10) 10 psp_spc_dqf(9) flag (11) 11 psp_spc_dqf(10) flag (12) 12 psp_spc_dqf(11) flag (13) 13 psp_spc_dqf(12) flag (14) 14 psp_spc_dqf(13) flag (15) 15 psp_spc_dqf(14) flag (16) 16 psp_spc_dqf(15) flag (17) 17 psp_spc_dqf(16) flag (18) 18 psp_spc_dqf(17) flag (19) 19 psp_spc_dqf(18) flag (20) 20 psp_spc_dqf(19) flag (21) 21 psp_spc_dqf(20) flag (22) 22 psp_spc_dqf(21) flag (23) 23 psp_spc_dqf(22) TimeSeries general_flag psp_spc_gf The “GENERAL FLAG” variable signifies, as broadly as possible, whether a given measurement has been made under ideal conditions and can be used without caveat. When this variable is set to 1, there is a condition present of which the user must be made aware m-3 TimeSeries