2.3.1 spase://CNES/NumericalData/CDPP-AMDA/STEREO-A/IMPACT/SEPT/sta-sept-1hour 1 hour Electron and Proton flux 1 hour rate 2015-10-14T11:48:00Z * Time stamps mark center of averaging interval (rounded to the second) * Energy bins 02 and 03 should not be used for quantitative studies. * Electron intensities are not corrected for ion contamination * Intensities and uncertainties are given in 1/(cm^2 s sr MeV) spase://CNES/Person/Janet.G.Luhmann PrincipalInvestigator STEREO/IMPACT Mission Site http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/impact/ spase://SMWG/Repository/CNES/CDPP-AMDA Online Open http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF IRAP spase://CNES/Instrument/CDPP-AMDA/STEREO-A/IMPACT/SEPT EnergeticParticles 2006-10-25T00:00:00 2014-09-28T00:00:00 PT1H Heliosphere.Remote1AU e- flux sta_sept_1h_ef 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram NumberFlux e- uncertainty sta_sept_1h_eu 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram DataQuality h+ flux sta_sept_1h_hf 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram NumberFlux h+ uncertainty sta_let_1h_hu 1/(cm2-sr-sec-MeV/nuc) Spectrogram DataQuality