2.2.6 spase://CDPP/NumericalData/AMDA/IMP8/MAG/imp-mag-k0 15 sec (i8_15sec_mag) 2015-10-16T16:30:15Z IMP 8 magnetic field measurements from tri-axis magnetometer. Time resolution is 15.36 second. Data are based on a 2010 data reprocessing by the PI team. Parameter details below are based on the version of the data in CDAWeb. User will acknowledge the IMP-8 magnetometer team, and the data access path used, in any publication resulting from the use of these data. spase://SMWG/Person/Adam.Szabo PrincipalInvestigator IMP-8 Magnetometer Experiment Home Page http://wind.nasa.gov/imp8/ A web site hosting instrument information and providing access to the data spase://SMWG/Repository/CDPP/AMDA Online Open AMDA at CDPP http://amda.cdpp.eu NetCDF NSSDC IMP8 MAG15 Level 2 spase://CDPP/Instrument/AMDA/IMP8/MAG MagneticField 1973-10-29T23:59:53Z 1999-12-31T23:59:38Z Instrument stopped working on 2000-06-10. PT15.36S Heliosphere.NearEarth Earth.Magnetosheath Earth.Magnetosphere.Magnetotail The time resolution (cadence) is not constant. The time tag corresponds to the last 1.28s measurement in the 15.36s average. Since the data is on average 70% complete, this is quite often different from 15.36 seconds from the previous time tag. On average, however, it should be about 15.36 seconds. Magnetic field b_gse imp8_b Magnetic field vector in GSE coordinates phys.magField PT15.36S nT 1e-9>T Cartesian GSE TimeSeries 3 bx Component.I 1 imp8_b(0) by Component.J 2 imp8_b(1) bz Component.K 3 imp8_b(2) -100.0 100.0 -1.0e+31 Vector Magnetic b_gsm imp8_b_gsm Magnetic field vector in GSM coordinates phys.magField PT15.36S nT 1e-9>T Cartesian GSM TimeSeries 3 bx Component.I 1 imp8_b_gsm(0) by Component.J 2 imp8_b_gsm(1) bz Component.K 3 imp8_b_gsm(2) -100.0 100.0 -1.0e+31 Vector Magnetic |b| imp8_btot Magnitude of the magnetic field phys.magField PT15.36S nT 1e-9>T TimeSeries 0.0 100.0 -1.0e+31 Magnitude Magnetic