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      <AlternateName>European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association</AlternateName>
      <Description>EISCAT is the European Incoherent SCATter,the European scientific association running incoherent scatter radars installed in the Fennoscandian Peninsula and Svalbard.
        EISCAT operates three incoherent scatter radar systems, at 224 MHz, 931 MHz in Northern Scandinavia and one at 500 MHz on Svalbard, used to study the interaction between the Sun and the Earth as revealed by disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. At the Ramfjordmoen facility (near Tromsø, Norway), it also operates an ionospheric heater facility, similar to HAARP. Additional receiver stations are located in Sodankylä, Finland, and Kiruna, Sweden. The EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR) is located in Longyearbyen, Norway. The EISCAT Headquarters are also located in Kiruna.
      <Acknowledgement>The authors are grateful to the staff of EISCAT for providing the radar facilities and assistance with making the observations. EISCAT is an international association supported by research organizations in China (CRIRP), Finland (SA), France (CNRS, till end 2006), Germany (DFG), Japan (NIPR and STEL), Norway (NFR), Sweden (VR), and the United Kingdom (STFC).</Acknowledgement>          
        <Name>EISCAT official website</Name>
        <Description>Site containing all technical notes, the observation schedule as well as on-going and future developements</Description>
      <Note>1984-01-17 : UHF (Tromso, Kiruna, Sodankylä)</Note>
      <Note>1990-06-12 : VHF (Tromso)</Note>
      <Note>1997-03-11 : ESR (Svalbard)</Note>      