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      <AlternateName>Multicomponent Investigations of Fluctuations of Magnetic Fields</AlternateName>
      <Description>The MIF-M instrument on the Interball Tail Probe consists of triaxial fluxgate sensors (DC: 0 - 2 Hz and AC: 2 - 25 Hz), a search-coil measuring the AC magnetic field along the spacecraft Z-axis at 1 Hz - 40 kHz, and a filter bank with seven analog passband filters.
Fields and waves are measured on the Tail Probe by the ASPI consortium of experiments, which includes: MIF-M -- fluxgate and search-coil magnetometers; FGM-I -- triaxial fluxgate sensor and plasma current sensor; OPERA -- a complex of electric field instruments; and PRAM -- the digital waveform processor unit. Two more ASPI instruments, ADS and IFPE, failed to switch on, likely due to hardware problems.</Description>
        <Name>NSSDC's Master Catalog</Name>
        <Description>Information about the Multicomponent Investigations of Fluctuations of Magnetic Fields (MIF-M) experiment on the Interball Tail Probe mission.</Description>
    <InvestigationName>Multicomponent Investigations of Fluctuations of Magnetic Fields (MIF-M) on Interball Tail Probe</InvestigationName>