/** * ParamTable.hh * * Created on: 10 oct. 2014 * Author: AKKA */ #ifndef PARAMTABLE_HH_ #define PARAMTABLE_HH_ #include "ParameterManager.hh" #include "log4cxx/logger.h" #define PARAMETER_TABLE "PARAMETER_TABLE" #define PARAMETER_TABLE_UNITS "PARAMETER_TABLE_UNITS" #define PARAMETER_TABLE_MINVAL "PARAMETER_TABLE_MIN_VALUES" #define PARAMETER_TABLE_MAXVAL "PARAMETER_TABLE_MAX_VALUES" namespace AMDA { namespace Info { using namespace AMDA::Parameters; /** * @brief Structure that's define a table bound */ typedef struct { int index; double min; double max; } t_TableBound; /** * @class ParamTable * @brief Abstract class used to define a Parameter table . * @details */ class ParamTable { public: ParamTable(const char *paramId); virtual ~ParamTable(); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager) = 0; virtual std::string getTableParamKeyForInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL) = 0; void setParameterLink(ParameterSPtr parameter); std::string getParamId(void); void setName(std::string name); virtual std::string getName(ParameterManager *parameterManager); void setUnits(std::string name); virtual std::string getUnits(ParameterManager *parameterManager); void setIsVariable(bool isVariable); virtual bool isVariable(ParameterManager *parameterManager); void addTableParam(std::string key, std::string name); virtual std::string getTableParamByKey(ParameterManager *parameterManager, std::string key); virtual std::map<std::string, std::string>& getTableParams(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual std::map<std::string, std::string>& getTableParameters(); void addTableInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager, int dim, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>& infoMap); protected: /** logger of paramTable */ static log4cxx::LoggerPtr _logger; std::string _paramId; std::string _tableName; std::string _tableUnits; bool _variable; std::map<std::string, std::string> _tableParams; std::vector<double> getTableParamValuesByKey(ParameterManager *parameterManager, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData, std::string key); std::vector<double> getConstantTableParamValuesByKey(ParameterManager *parameterManager, std::string key); std::vector<double> getVariableTableParamValuesByKey(ParameterManager *parameterManager, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData, std::string key); virtual void addVariableTableInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager, int dim, std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>>& infoMap); }; /** * @class ParamBoundsTable * @brief Implementation of a ParamTable for a table defined by a list * @details */ class ParamBoundsTable : public ParamTable { public: ParamBoundsTable(const char *paramId); virtual std::string getTableParamKeyForInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL); static std::string _boundsParamKey; }; /** * @class ParamCenterTable * @brief Implementation of a ParamTable for a table defined by a list of center value and a size * @details */ class ParamCenterTable : public ParamTable { public: ParamCenterTable(const char *paramId, double size); virtual std::string getTableParamKeyForInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL); static std::string _centersParamKey; private: double _size; }; /** * @class ParamCenterWidthTable * @brief Implementation of a ParamTable for a table defined by a list of center value and a list of band width * @details */ class ParamCenterWidthTable : public ParamTable { public: ParamCenterWidthTable(const char *paramId); virtual std::string getTableParamKeyForInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL); static std::string _centersParamKey; static std::string _widthsParamKey; }; /** * @class ParamCenterAutoTable * @brief Implementation of a ParamTable for a table defined by a list of center value. Bounds automatically computed to be at the center of two consecutive channels * @details */ class ParamCenterAutoTable : public ParamTable { public: ParamCenterAutoTable(const char *paramId, bool log); virtual std::string getTableParamKeyForInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL); static std::string _centersParamKey; private: bool _log; }; /** * @class ParamMinMaxTable * @brief Implementation of a ParamTable for a table defined by two list: one for min and one for max * @details */ class ParamMinMaxTable : public ParamTable { public: ParamMinMaxTable(const char *paramId); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL); static std::string _minParamKey; static std::string _maxParamKey; }; /* * @class LinkTable * @brief Implementation of a ParamTable that is a link to an existing ParamTable * @details */ class LinkTable : public ParamTable { public: LinkTable(const char *paramId, const char* originParamId); virtual int getSize(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual t_TableBound getBound(ParameterManager *parameterManager, unsigned int index, std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>* paramsTableData = NULL); void setOriginTableDim(int originTableDim) { _originTableDim = originTableDim; } virtual std::string getTableParamKeyForInfo(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual std::string getName(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual std::string getUnits(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual bool isVariable(ParameterManager *parameterManager); virtual std::map<std::string, std::string>& getTableParams(ParameterManager *parameterManager); private: std::string _originParamId; int _originTableDim; std::map<std::string, std::string> _emptyTableParam; ParamTable* getOriginParamTable(ParameterManager *parameterManager); }; } /* namespace Info */ } /* namespace AMDA */ #endif /* PARAMTABLE_HH_ */