#include "DicError.hh" std::string getErrorMsg(int error_code) { switch (error_code) { case AMDA_EXIT_OK: return ""; case AMDA_PARSE_COMMAND_LINE_KO: return "Command line arguments not recognized"; case AMDA_TYPE_DATA_UNKNOWN: return "Type of Data not supported"; case AMDA_FILEPROPERTIES_ERR: return "Error in property file"; case AMDA_INFORMATION_PARAM_ERR: return "Parameter XML file not found or not well-formed or not valid"; case AMDA_INFORMATION_REQUEST_ERR: return "Request XML file error"; case AMDA_PARAM_OUTPUT_ERR: return "ParamOutput implementation not found"; case AMDA_PROCESS_ERR: return "Compilation abort or library load abort"; case AMDA_PARAM_NOT_FOUND_ERR: return "Parameter of ident ??? is not fond"; case AMDA_PARAM_SOME_ERR: return "Some ParamOutput are terminated successfully but not all."; case AMDA_OPER_NOT_ALLOWED: return "Operation not allowed"; case AMDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: return "Unknown error"; case AMDA_LOCALFILE_READER: return "LocalFile: Unknown file reader"; case AMDA_LOCALFILE_TIMEPARAM: return "LocalFile: Cannot find time parameter"; case AMDA_OUTOFTIME_ERR: return "LocalFile: Out of data time"; case AMDA_STAT_NOT_BOOL: return "Only boolean parameters are handled by countTrue function"; case AMDA_PARSER_TEST_ERROR: return "Parser: At leat one error occured during test of the parser"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOCONNECTION: return "DD_server: No connection"; case AMDA_ERROR_TOOMANYREQ: return "DD_server: Too many request"; case AMDA_ERROR_REQSENDERR: return "DD_server: Error to send request"; case AMDA_ERROR_REPLYRECERR: return "DD_server: Receive an error"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOID: return "DD_server: Invalid request Id"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOREFFILE: return "DD_server: Error to open reference file"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOTIMESFILE: return "DD_server: Missing times file"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOINFOFILE: return "DD_server: Missing info file"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOVAR: return "DD_server: Unknown variable"; case AMDA_ERROR_OUTOFTIME: return "DD_server: Out of data time"; case AMDA_ERROR_CACHERR: return "DD_server: Error occured during cache manipulation"; case AMDA_ERROR_CACHTOOREC: return "DD_server: No free space in cache"; case AMDA_ERROR_WAITEXTCALL: return "DD_server: Waits external call finish"; case AMDA_ERROR_TRYAGAIN: return "DD_server: Times file is locked. This request should be repeated again"; case AMDA_ERROR_NODATAATTIME: return "DD_server: Requested time is inside NODATA time interval"; case AMDA_ERROR_GAPISSMALL: return "DD_server: Gap is too small to call external archive"; case AMDA_ERROR_CTIMEISSHIFTED: return "DD_server: The request was in NoData interval, try again with time at the end"; case AMDA_ERROR_DATAFILEERR: return "DD_server: Error during data file manipulation"; case AMDA_ERROR_ENVIRERROR: return "DD_server: Error in environment variables"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOPOINTER: return "DD_server: The pointer points nowhere, SetTime were failed"; case AMDA_ERROR_INTSERERR: return "DD_server: Server internal error"; case AMDA_ERROR_TIMEINEMPTY: return "DD_server: No data for specified time interval"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOEXEC: return "DD_server: No executable"; case AMDA_ERROR_OPERMISSION: return "DD_server: Access - Permission denied"; case AMDA_ERROR_NOHOST: return "DD_server: Access - No host"; case AMDA_ERROR_NNOUSERSFILE: return "DD_server: Access - No user file"; } return "Unknown error"; }