/** * ParamData.hh * * Created on: 17 oct. 2012 * Author: AKKA IS */ #ifndef PARAMDATA_HH_ #define PARAMDATA_HH_ #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <math.h> #include <limits> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <log4cxx/logger.h> #include "AMDA_exception.hh" #include "Demangle.hh" #include "Parameter.hh" #include "Container.hh" #include "VisitorOfParamData.hh" namespace AMDA { namespace Parameters { /** * @brief storage data of a Parameter * * contain Time data and this implementation contain data value * Respect design pattern Visitor is an visited element */ class ParamData { public: typedef Container<double> BlockTimeTab; ParamData(); virtual ~ParamData(); /** * get string accessor to an element */ static std::string getAccessor() {return "->get(index)";} BlockTimeTab& getTimeList() { return _blockTimeTab; } /** * design pattern visitor * accept a visitor */ virtual void accept(VisitorOfParamData &visitor) = 0; /** * addTime in TimeSet * @param dataNumber number data must be added in data set * @param data data must be added in data set, the real type is known by the child of ParamData */ virtual void pushTime( double time) { _blockTimeTab.push_back(time); } /** * addTime in TimeSet * @param dataNumber number data must be added in data set * @param data data must be added in data set, the real type is known by the child of ParamData */ virtual double getTime(unsigned int index) const { return _blockTimeTab[index]; } virtual void freeBefore(unsigned int pIndexMin) { _blockTimeTab.freeBefore(pIndexMin); _paramDataIndexInfo._startIndex=pIndexMin; } double getMinSampling() { return _minSampling; } void setMinSampling(double pMinSampling){ _minSampling = pMinSampling;} ParamDataIndexInfo &getIndexInfo() { _paramDataIndexInfo._nbDataToProcess = _blockTimeTab.size(); return _paramDataIndexInfo; } virtual const char *getParamDataType() = 0; virtual const char *getElementType() = 0; virtual unsigned int getDim1()= 0; virtual unsigned int getDim2()= 0; virtual void updateDims() = 0; unsigned int getDataNumber() { return _blockTimeTab.size(); } protected: /** logger of paramData */ static log4cxx::LoggerPtr _logger; /** * must be updated by ApramGet or process which sampling modify */ double _minSampling; private: /** * vector of block of NB_DATA_BY_BLOCK data */ BlockTimeTab _blockTimeTab; ParamDataIndexInfo _paramDataIndexInfo; }; template<class ElType, class ClassName> class ParamDataSpec_CRTP : public ParamData{ public: /** * alias of element type */ typedef ElType ElementType ; typedef ClassName ParamType ; ParamDataSpec_CRTP(int dim1=1, int dim2=2) : _dim1(dim1), _dim2(dim2){} ~ParamDataSpec_CRTP() {} typedef Container<ElementType> DataList; const ElementType& get(unsigned int index) const { return _dataList[index]; } DataList& getDataList() { return _dataList; } const DataList& getDataList() const { return _dataList; } double getMinSampling(){ return _minSampling;} void push(ElementType el) { _dataList.push_back(el); } virtual unsigned int getDim1() { return _dim1; } virtual unsigned int getDim2() { return _dim2; } void setDim1(unsigned int dim1) { _dim1 = dim1; } void setDim2(unsigned int dim2) { _dim2 = dim2; } /** * design pattern visitor * accept a visitor */ virtual void accept(VisitorOfParamData &visitor) { visitor.visit(dynamic_cast<ParamType*>(this)); } virtual void freeBefore(unsigned int indexMin) { ParamData::freeBefore(indexMin); _dataList.freeBefore(indexMin); } virtual const char *getParamDataType() { return Helpers::Demangle(typeid(ClassName).name());} virtual const char *getElementType() {return Helpers::Demangle(typeid(ElType).name());} virtual void updateDims() { if (_dataList.size() > 0) updateParamDataDims(get(0)); } private: template<typename Type> void updateParamDataDims(Type /*data*/) { _dim1 = 1; _dim2 = 1; } template<typename Type> void updateParamDataDims(std::vector<Type> data) { _dim1 = data.size(); _dim2 = 1; } template<typename Type> void updateParamDataDims(Tab2DData<Type> data) { _dim1 = data.getDim1Size(); _dim2 = data.getDim2Size(); } /** * vector of block of NB_DATA_BY_BLOCK data */ DataList _dataList; unsigned int _dim1; unsigned int _dim2; }; template <typename Type> class ParamDataSpec; template <class Type> class ParamDataSpec: public ParamDataSpec_CRTP<Type, ParamDataSpec<Type> > { public: ParamDataSpec(int dim1=1,int dim2=1) : ParamDataSpec_CRTP<Type, ParamDataSpec<Type> >(dim1,dim2) {} virtual ~ParamDataSpec() {} }; template <typename ElementType> ParamData* generate() { return NULL; } //ParamDataSpec<float> generate(float) { return ParamDataSpec<float>(); } #define GENERATED_generate(Type) inline ParamDataSpec<Type> generate(Type) { return ParamDataSpec<Type>(); }\ inline ParamDataSpec<std::vector<Type> > generate(std::vector<Type>) { return ParamDataSpec<std::vector<Type> >(); }\ inline ParamDataSpec<Tab2DData<Type> > generate(Tab2DData<Type>) { return ParamDataSpec<Tab2DData<Type> >(); } GENERATED_generate(short) GENERATED_generate(float) GENERATED_generate(double) GENERATED_generate(long double) GENERATED_generate(int) GENERATED_generate(LogicalData) } /* namespace Parameters */ } /* namespace AMDA */ class NotANumber { }; extern const NotANumber notANumber; class ElemNull { }; extern const ElemNull elemNull; #define GENARATED_SCALAIRE(type, val) \ void operator <<(type &a, NotANumber b) ; \ void operator <<(type &a, ElemNull b) ; GENARATED_SCALAIRE(short, SHRT_MIN) GENARATED_SCALAIRE(float, NAN) GENARATED_SCALAIRE(double, NAN) GENARATED_SCALAIRE(long double, NAN) GENARATED_SCALAIRE(int, INT_MIN) GENARATED_SCALAIRE(AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData, AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData::NaN) #define GENARATED_VECTOR(type, val) \ void operator <<(std::vector<type> &a, NotANumber b); \ void operator <<(std::vector<type> &a, ElemNull b); GENARATED_VECTOR(short,SHRT_MIN) GENARATED_VECTOR(float, NAN) GENARATED_VECTOR(double, NAN) GENARATED_VECTOR(long double, NAN) GENARATED_VECTOR(int, INT_MIN) GENARATED_VECTOR(AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData, AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData::NaN) #define GENARATED_TAB2D(type, val) \ void operator <<(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<type> &a, NotANumber b); \ void operator <<(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<type> &a, ElemNull b); GENARATED_TAB2D(short,SHRT_MIN) GENARATED_TAB2D(float, NAN) GENARATED_TAB2D(double, NAN) GENARATED_TAB2D(long double, NAN) GENARATED_TAB2D(int, INT_MIN) GENARATED_TAB2D(AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData, AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData::NaN) bool isNAN(short pval); bool isNAN(float pval); bool isNAN(double pval); bool isNAN(long double pval); bool isNAN(int pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData pval); bool isNAN(std::vector<short> pval); bool isNAN(std::vector<float> pval); bool isNAN(std::vector<double> pval); bool isNAN(std::vector<long double> pval); bool isNAN(std::vector<int> pval); bool isNAN(std::vector<AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData> pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<short> pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<float> pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<double> pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<long double> pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<int> pval); bool isNAN(AMDA::Parameters::Tab2DData<AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData> pval); bool isApproximatelyEqual(double a, double b); #endif /* PARAMDATA_HH_ */