/* * TimeTableCatalogUtil.cc * * Created on: 6 août 2013 * Author: CS */ #include #include #include #include #include #include // Self include modules #include "TimeTableCatalogUtil.hh" #include "TimeUtil.hh" #include "DD_time.hh" namespace TimeTableCatalog { double readISOTime(const std::string& ptime) { int size = 0; return readISOTime(ptime, getTimeFormat(ptime, size)); } TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT getTimeFormat(const std::string& ptime, int& size) { struct tm tm; char* pos = NULL; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); std::string time = ptime; boost::algorithm::trim(time); std::vector parts; boost::split(parts, time, boost::is_any_of("-,/,:,T,., ,\t")); int index = 0; size = 0; bool isDOY = (pos != NULL); bool haveSec = false; bool haveMls = false; bool haveZ = false; // Year if ((int)parts.size() <= index) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if ((int)parts[index].size() != 4) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } ++index; // Month or Day of year if ((int)parts.size() <= index) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if ((int)parts[index].size() == 3) { isDOY = true; } else if ((int)parts[index].size() != 2) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } ++index; if (!isDOY) { //Day of month if ((int)parts.size() <= index) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if ((int)parts[index].size() != 2) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } ++index; } // Hour if ((int)parts.size() <= index) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if ((int)parts[index].size() != 2) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } ++index; // Min if ((int)parts.size() <= index) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if ((int)parts[index].size() != 2) { return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } ++index; // Sec if ((int)parts.size() > index) { boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if ((int)parts[index].size() == 2) { haveSec = true; } else if (((int)parts[index].size() == 3) && (parts[index][2] == 'Z')) { haveSec = true; haveZ = true; } ++index; } // Mls if (haveSec && !haveZ && ((int)parts.size() > index)) { boost::algorithm::trim(parts[index]); if (((int)parts[index].size() == 3) || ((int)parts[index].size() == 6) || ((int)parts[index].size() == 9)) { haveMls = true; } else if ((((int)parts[index].size() == 4) || ((int)parts[index].size() == 7) || ((int)parts[index].size() == 10)) && (parts[index][parts[index].size()-1] == 'Z')) { haveMls = true; haveZ = true; } ++index; } if (haveMls) { if (isDOY) { size = haveZ ? 22 : 21; return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYDOYThhmmssmsk; } else { size = haveZ ? 24 : 23; return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmmssmsk; } } else if (haveSec) { if (isDOY) { size = haveZ ? 18 : 17; return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYDOYThhmmss; } else { size = haveZ ? 20 : 19; return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmmss; } } else { if (isDOY) { size = 14; return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYDOYThhmm; } else { size = 16; return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmm; } } return TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN; } double readISOTime(const std::string& ptime, const TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT pformat) { if (pformat == TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::UNKNOWN) { return -1; } dd_tmstr_t *UT; unsigned tabTime[7]; int y = 0, m = 0, d = 0, doy = 0, h = 0, mi = 0, s = 0; char ms[10]; memset(ms,0,sizeof(10*sizeof(char))); bool isDOY = false; std::string time = ptime; std::replace( time.begin(), time.end(), '-', ' '); std::replace( time.begin(), time.end(), '/', ' '); std::replace( time.begin(), time.end(), ':', ' '); std::replace( time.begin(), time.end(), 'T', ' '); std::replace( time.begin(), time.end(), 'Z', ' '); std::replace( time.begin(), time.end(), '.', ' '); switch (pformat) { case TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmmssmsk : sscanf(time.c_str(), "%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d %09s", &y, &m, &d, &h, &mi, &s, ms); break; case TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYDOYThhmmssmsk : isDOY = true; sscanf(time.c_str(), "%04d %03d %02d %02d %02d %09s", &y, &doy, &h, &mi, &s, ms); break; case TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmmss : sscanf(time.c_str(), "%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d %02d", &y, &m, &d, &h, &mi, &s); break; case TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYDOYThhmmss : isDOY = true; sscanf(time.c_str(), "%04d %03d %02d %02d %02d", &y, &doy, &h, &mi, &s); break; case TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmm : sscanf(time.c_str(), "%04d %02d %02d %02d %02d", &y, &m, &d, &h, &mi); break; case TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYDOYThhmm : isDOY = true; sscanf(time.c_str(), "%04d %03d %02d %02d", &y, &doy, &h, &mi); break; default: return 0.; } int ms_int = 0.; if (strlen(ms) == 3) { sscanf(ms, "%03d", &ms_int); } else if (strlen(ms) == 6) { sscanf(ms, "%06d", &ms_int); ms_int = round((1.*ms_int)/1000.); } else if (strlen(ms) == 9) { sscanf(ms, "%09d", &ms_int); ms_int = round((1.*ms_int)/1000000.); } if (isDOY) { dd_tmstr_t ut; memset(&ut, 0, sizeof(dd_tmstr_t)); ut.msec = ms_int; ut.sec = s; ut.min = mi; ut.hour = h; ut.day = doy-1; ut.year = y; SetDouble(&ut); return ut.times; } tabTime[0] = y; tabTime[1] = m; tabTime[2] = d; tabTime[3] = h; tabTime[4] = mi; tabTime[5] = s; tabTime[6] = ms_int; UT = UT2double(tabTime); return UT->times; } void writeISOTime(const double pTime, const TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT pFormat, std::ostream& pOut) { if (pTime == -1) { return; } std::ostringstream os; AMDA::TimeUtil::formatTimeDateInIso(pTime, os); if (TimeTable::TIME_FORMAT::YYYYMMDDThhmmss == pFormat) { // remove milliseconds pOut << os.str().substr(0, os.str().length() - 4); } else { // UNKNOWN or with millisecond pOut << os.str(); } } void writeTimeData(const double pTime, const AMDA::OutputFormatTime pFormat, std::ostream& pOut) { if (pTime == -1) { return; } std::ostringstream os; switch (pFormat) { case AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_ISO: AMDA::TimeUtil::formatTimeDateInIso(pTime, os); pOut << os.str(); break; case AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_ISO_Z: AMDA::TimeUtil::formatTimeDateInIsoZ(pTime, os); pOut << os.str(); break; case AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_DOYTIME: AMDA::TimeUtil::double2DOY_TimeDate(pTime, pOut); pOut << os.str(); break; case AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_SPACES: AMDA::TimeUtil:: formatTimeDateWithSpaces(pTime, pOut); pOut << os.str(); break; case AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_MS: pOut << std::scientific << std::setprecision(12) << pTime; break; case AMDA::OutputFormatTime::FORMAT_OUTPUT_TIME_DOUBLE: default: pOut << std::scientific << std::setprecision(9) <<(double)(int) pTime; break; } } // ----------------- EXTERN -------------------------- bool contains(const std::string & pline, const std::string & pkeyword, const std::string& pprefix) { std::string simpleline(pline); // remove all whitespace boost::algorithm::replace_all(simpleline, " ", ""); // to lower case std::transform(simpleline.begin(), simpleline.end(), simpleline.begin(), ::tolower); std::string simpleKeyword(pprefix + pkeyword); // remove all whitespace boost::algorithm::replace_all(simpleKeyword, " ", ""); // to lower case std::transform(simpleKeyword.begin(), simpleKeyword.end(), simpleKeyword.begin(), ::tolower); return std::string::npos != simpleline.find(simpleKeyword); } void extractvalue(const std::string & pline, std::string & pvalue) { // get value after ":" pvalue = pline.substr(pline.find(":") + 1); // remove trailing with spaces boost::algorithm::trim(pvalue); // remove ; character at the end of the line boost::algorithm::replace_last(pvalue, ";", ""); } std::vector &split(const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector &elems) { std::stringstream ss(s); std::string item; while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) { elems.push_back(item); } return elems; } } /* namespace TimeTableCatalog */