!2 Every wiki page displays a series of links (breadcrumbs) to the ancestors of the current page.
* The last breadcrumb should name the current page without a link.
!3 Test top level page
* Create a top level page
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?|
|!-TopLevelPage-!|top level page||true|
* Request the page.
|Response Requester.|
* Examine the requested page to be sure the link to itself is displayed.
!|Response Examiner.|
!3 A second level page - the top level should link up, the current page should not link.
* Create a top level page
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?|
|!-TopLevelPage.SecondLevelPage-!|second level page||true|
* Request the page.
|Response Requester.|
* Examine the requested page to be sure the link to itself is displayed.
!|Response Examiner.|
!3 A second level page - the top four levels should link up, the current page should not link.
* Create a fifth level page
|Page creator.|
|Page name.|Page contents.|Page attributes.|valid?|
|!-TopLevelPage.SecondLevelPage.ThirdLevelPage.FourthLevelPage.FifthLevelPage-!|fifth level page||true|
* Request the page.
|Response Requester.|
* Examine the requested page to be sure the link to itself is displayed.
!|Response Examiner.|