/* * TimePlot.cc * * Created on: 22 nov. 2013 * Author: CS */ #include "TimePlot.hh" #include "ParamsNode.hh" #include "AxesNode.hh" #include "PlotOutput.hh" #include "TimeUtil.hh" #include "Parameter.hh" #include "ParamInfo.hh" #include "ParamTable.hh" #include "ParamMgr.hh" #include "ShadesTools.hh" #include "AxisLegendManager.hh" #include #include "DefaultTimeAxisDecorator.hh" #include "TickMarkDecorator.hh" #include "PlotLogger.hh" #include "ParamMgr.hh" #include "TimeUtil.hh" #include using namespace AMDA::Parameters; using namespace AMDA::Info; namespace plot { QSASConfig* TimePlot::qsasconfig = NULL; TimePlot::TimePlot(AMDA::Parameters::ParameterManager& manager, boost::shared_ptr panel, TimeAxisDecorator* timeAxisDecorator /*= new DefaultTimeAxisDecorator()*/) : PanelPlotOutput(manager, panel), _startDateDrawn(false) { setTimeAxisDecorator(std::shared_ptr(timeAxisDecorator)); } TimePlot::~TimePlot() { if (qsasconfig != NULL) { free(qsasconfig); qsasconfig = nullptr; } } TimeAxis* TimePlot::getTimeAxis(){ std::string lAxisId = getXAxisId(); boost::shared_ptr xAxis = _panel->getAxis(lAxisId); if (xAxis.get() == nullptr) { std::stringstream lError; lError << "TimePlot::apply" << ": time axis with id '" << lAxisId << "' not found."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PanelPlotOutputException() << AMDA::ex_msg(lError.str())); } return dynamic_cast(xAxis.get()); } void TimePlot::preparePlotArea(double startTime, double stopTime, int intervalIndex) { // dump properties for test const char* lBuildType=getenv("BUILD_TYPE"); if(lBuildType && std::string(lBuildType) == "Debug") { std::ofstream out("timePlot.txt"); dump(out); out.close(); } // Configure Series to draw on axis by checking which color to use and // number of series to draw on a same axis. configureSeriesAxis(); configureAxisLegend(); configureSpectroAxis(); configureParamsLegend(startTime,stopTime,intervalIndex); // configure X axis getTimeAxisDecorator()->configure(this, getTimeAxis(), startTime, stopTime, _pParameterValues); getTimeAxis()->_used = true; _pls->timefmt(getTimeAxisDecorator()->getPlFormat().c_str()); PanelPlotOutput::preparePlotArea(startTime,stopTime,intervalIndex); } void TimePlot::draw(double startTime, double stopTime, int intervalIndex, bool isFirstInterval, bool isLastInterval) { PanelPlotOutput::draw(startTime,stopTime,intervalIndex,isFirstInterval,isLastInterval); // Draw start date if (!_startDateDrawn /*&& getTimeAxis()->_used*/) drawStartDate (getTimeAxis(), startTime,stopTime); _startDateDrawn = true; } void TimePlot::calculatePlotArea(Bounds& bounds_) { PanelPlotOutput::calculatePlotArea(bounds_); // decorator is responsible of reserving extra space for what it manage (labels for instance). getTimeAxisDecorator()->updatePlotArea(this, getTimeAxis(), bounds_); } void TimePlot::configureSeriesAxis() { // map std::map lAxisRange; Range lColorAxeRange; SeriesProperties lSeriesProperties; boost::shared_ptr lZAxis = _panel->getColorAxis(); // Parse each parameter to define on which axis to draw series. for (auto param: _parameterAxesList) { // Get number of series to draw // For each index of parameter identify to which axis series must be drawn. for(auto index: param.getYSerieIndexList(_pParameterValues)) { lSeriesProperties = param.getYSeriePropertiesAt(index); if(!lSeriesProperties.hasYAxis()){ continue; } boost::shared_ptr lYAxis = _panel->getAxis(lSeriesProperties.getYAxisId()); if (lYAxis.get() == nullptr) { std::stringstream lError; lError << "TimePlot::configureSeriesAxis" << ": Y axis with id '" << lSeriesProperties.getYAxisId() << "' not found."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PanelPlotOutputException() << AMDA::ex_msg(lError.str())); } lYAxis->_used = true; Range lRange(lYAxis->getRange()); // If range status for this axis is set by the user do not update range "automatically". if (isnan(lRange.getMin()) && isnan(lRange.getMax())) { Range lEstimatedRange(lAxisRange[lYAxis->_id]); Range lParamIndexRange( (*_pParameterValues)[lSeriesProperties.getParamId()].getMin(index), (*_pParameterValues)[lSeriesProperties.getParamId()].getMax(index)); ErrorBarProperties & errBarProp = lSeriesProperties.getErrorBarProperties(); // Update lParamIndexRange depending on the use of ErrorBars on the plot if (errBarProp.getErrorMinMax() != nullptr) { Range lParamMinRange( (*_pParameterValues)[errBarProp.getErrorMinMax()->getUsedParamMin()].getMin(-1), (*_pParameterValues)[errBarProp.getErrorMinMax()->getUsedParamMin()].getMax(-1)); Range lParamMaxRange( (*_pParameterValues)[errBarProp.getErrorMinMax()->getUsedParamMax()].getMin(-1), (*_pParameterValues)[errBarProp.getErrorMinMax()->getUsedParamMax()].getMax(-1)); if (lParamMinRange.getMin() < lParamIndexRange.getMin()) lParamIndexRange.setMin(lParamMinRange.getMin()); if (lParamMinRange.getMax() > lParamIndexRange.getMax()) lParamIndexRange.setMax(lParamMinRange.getMax()); if (lParamMaxRange.getMin() < lParamIndexRange.getMin()) lParamIndexRange.setMin(lParamMaxRange.getMin()); if (lParamMaxRange.getMax() > lParamIndexRange.getMax()) lParamIndexRange.setMax(lParamMaxRange.getMax()); } if (isnan(lEstimatedRange.getMin()) && isnan(lEstimatedRange.getMax())) { lEstimatedRange.setMin(lParamIndexRange.getMin()); lEstimatedRange.setMax(lParamIndexRange.getMax()); } else { lEstimatedRange.setMin(std::min(lEstimatedRange.getMin(), lParamIndexRange.getMin())); lEstimatedRange.setMax(std::max(lEstimatedRange.getMax(), lParamIndexRange.getMax())); } lEstimatedRange._extend = lRange._extend; lAxisRange[lYAxis->_id] = lEstimatedRange; } // Set ZAxis range if a color param is defined for this serie if (lZAxis != nullptr) { if (!lSeriesProperties.getColorParamId().empty()) { lZAxis->_used = true; Range lRange(lZAxis->getRange()); ParameterAxes* colorSerieParameterAxes = getParameterAxesByColorSerieId(lSeriesProperties.getColorSerieId()); if (colorSerieParameterAxes == NULL) continue; ColorSeriesProperties& colorSerieProp = colorSerieParameterAxes->getColorSeriePropertiesById(lSeriesProperties.getColorSerieId()); // If range status for this axis is set by the user do not update range "automatically". if (isnan(lRange.getMin()) && isnan(lRange.getMax())) { Range lEstimatedRange(lColorAxeRange); Range lParamIndexRange( (*_pParameterValues)[lSeriesProperties.getColorParamId()].getMin( colorSerieProp.getIndex()), (*_pParameterValues)[lSeriesProperties.getColorParamId()].getMax( colorSerieProp.getIndex())); if (isnan(lEstimatedRange.getMin()) && isnan(lEstimatedRange.getMax())) { lEstimatedRange.setMin(lParamIndexRange.getMin()); lEstimatedRange.setMax(lParamIndexRange.getMax()); } else { lEstimatedRange.setMin(std::min(lEstimatedRange.getMin(), lParamIndexRange.getMin())); lEstimatedRange.setMax(std::max(lEstimatedRange.getMax(), lParamIndexRange.getMax())); } lEstimatedRange._extend = lRange._extend; lColorAxeRange = lEstimatedRange; } } } } } // Update range of axis. Done after because, axis range may be processed in several pass (one for each series) for (auto lAxis: lAxisRange) { _panel->getAxis(lAxis.first)->setRange(lAxis.second); } if (lZAxis != nullptr && lColorAxeRange.isSet()) lZAxis->setRange(lColorAxeRange); } void TimePlot::configureAxisLegend() { // Y axis AxisLegendManager::configureYAxisLegendForSeries(this); // Z axis AxisLegendManager::configureColorAxisLegendForSeries(this); } void TimePlot::configureSpectroAxis() { // Parse each parameter to define on which axis to draw spectro for (auto param: _parameterAxesList) { std::shared_ptr spectroPropertiesPtr = param.getSpectroProperties(); if (spectroPropertiesPtr == nullptr) return; //no spectro defined if(!spectroPropertiesPtr->hasYAxis()) return; LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "Spectro Y axis is " << spectroPropertiesPtr->getYAxisId()); boost::shared_ptr lYAxis = _panel->getAxis(spectroPropertiesPtr->getYAxisId()); if (lYAxis.get() == nullptr) { std::stringstream lError; lError << "TimePlot::configureSpectroAxis" << ": Y axis with id '" << spectroPropertiesPtr->getYAxisId() << "' not found."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PanelPlotOutputException() << AMDA::ex_msg(lError.str())); } lYAxis->_used = true; //set Z axis range boost::shared_ptr lZAxis = _panel->getAxis(spectroPropertiesPtr->getZAxisId()); if (lZAxis.get() == nullptr) { std::stringstream lError; lError << "TimePlot::configureSpectroAxis" << ": Z axis with id '" << spectroPropertiesPtr->getZAxisId() << "' not found."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PanelPlotOutputException() << AMDA::ex_msg(lError.str())); } lZAxis->_used = true; ParameterSPtr p = _parameterManager.getParameter(param._originalParamId); int parameterDimension; if (spectroPropertiesPtr->getRelatedDim() == 0) parameterDimension = (*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getDim1Size(); else parameterDimension = (*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getDim2Size(); //set Y axis range Range lYAxisRange = lYAxis->Axis::getRange(); AMDA::Info::ParamInfoSPtr paramInfo = AMDA::Info::ParamMgr::getInstance()->getParamInfoFromId(p->getInfoId()); if (isnan(lYAxisRange.getMin()) && isnan(lYAxisRange.getMax())) { boost::shared_ptr tableSPtr; if (paramInfo != nullptr) tableSPtr = paramInfo->getTable(spectroPropertiesPtr->getRelatedDim()); if (tableSPtr == nullptr) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "No table defined => use index"); lYAxisRange.setMin(std::min(0.,lYAxisRange.getMin())); lYAxisRange.setMax(std::max((double)parameterDimension,lYAxisRange.getMax())); } else { AMDA::Info::t_TableBound crtBound; for (int i = 0; i < parameterDimension; ++i) { crtBound = tableSPtr->getBound(&_parameterManager, i); lYAxisRange.setMin(std::min(crtBound.min,lYAxisRange.getMin())); lYAxisRange.setMax(std::max(crtBound.max,lYAxisRange.getMax())); } // Set Y axis legend if not already done if ((lYAxis->_legend._text.empty() == true)) { lYAxis->_legend._text = ""; if (((*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getDim1Size() > 0) && ((*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getDim2Size() > 0) && !spectroPropertiesPtr->getIndexes().empty()) { boost::shared_ptr otherTableSPtr; int otherDimIndex; if (spectroPropertiesPtr->getRelatedDim() == 0) { otherTableSPtr = paramInfo->getTable(1); otherDimIndex = spectroPropertiesPtr->getIndexes().front().getDim2Index(); } else { otherTableSPtr = paramInfo->getTable(0); otherDimIndex = spectroPropertiesPtr->getIndexes().front().getDim1Index(); } if (otherTableSPtr != nullptr) { AMDA::Info::t_TableBound crtBound = otherTableSPtr->getBound(&_parameterManager, otherDimIndex); if (otherTableSPtr->getName().empty()) lYAxis->_legend._text += "Table bounds"; else lYAxis->_legend._text += otherTableSPtr->getName(); lYAxis->_legend._text += " "; PLINT axis = 0; PLPointer data = NULL; char minCount[1024]; char maxCount[1024]; generateDigitalLabel(axis, crtBound.min, minCount, 1024, data); generateDigitalLabel(axis, crtBound.max, maxCount, 1024, data); lYAxis->_legend._text += std::string(minCount); lYAxis->_legend._text += ", "; lYAxis->_legend._text += std::string(maxCount); if (!otherTableSPtr->getUnits().empty()) { lYAxis->_legend._text += ", "; lYAxis->_legend._text += otherTableSPtr->getUnits(); } } else { lYAxis->_legend._text += "Table Index: "; lYAxis->_legend._text += otherDimIndex; } lYAxis->_legend._text += Label::DELIMITER; } lYAxis->_legend._text += tableSPtr->getName(); if (tableSPtr->getUnits().empty() == false) lYAxis->_legend._text += ", " + tableSPtr->getUnits(); } } } //do not extend the axis lYAxisRange._extend = false; lYAxis->setRange(lYAxisRange); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "Y axis range : min = " << lYAxisRange.getMin() << ", max = " << lYAxisRange.getMax()); Range lParamRange = lZAxis->Axis::getRange(); if (isnan(lParamRange.getMin()) && isnan(lParamRange.getMax())) { //auto range double minVal, maxVal; for(auto index : spectroPropertiesPtr->getIndexes()) { //compute global range for all indexes if (lZAxis->_scale == Axis::Scale::LOGARITHMIC) minVal = (*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getMinStrictPos(index); else minVal = (*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getMin(index); maxVal = (*_pParameterValues)[spectroPropertiesPtr->getParamId()].getMax(index); lParamRange.setMin(std::min(minVal,lParamRange.getMin())); lParamRange.setMax(std::max(maxVal,lParamRange.getMax())); } } else lParamRange._extend = false; // Set Z axis legend if not already done if ((paramInfo != nullptr) && (paramInfo->getUnits().empty() == false) && (lZAxis->_legend._text.empty() == true)) { lZAxis->_legend._text = ""; if (lZAxis->_scale == Axis::Scale::LOGARITHMIC) lZAxis->_legend._text = "log "; lZAxis->_legend._text += paramInfo->getUnits(); } //set z axis range LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "ZAxis range : ZMin = " << lParamRange.getMin() << ", ZMax = " << lParamRange.getMax()); lZAxis->setRange(lParamRange); } } /** * @brief Identify if other side of the plot area need to be drawn or not. * @note A plot area side need to be drawn when there is no axis associated to it. */ std::string TimePlot::drawOppositeSide(boost::shared_ptr pAxis){ if( pAxis.get() == getTimeAxis() && getTimeAxis()->isOnlyTickmarks()){ return ""; } else{ return PanelPlotOutput::drawOppositeSide(pAxis); } } void TimePlot::drawXAxis(boost::shared_ptr pXAxis, PlWindow& pPlWindow, Bounds& pPlotAreaSize, TickConf& pTickConf){ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "Drawing X axis "); // draw main axis... PanelPlotOutput::drawXAxis(pXAxis,pPlWindow, pPlotAreaSize, pTickConf); // delegate to decorator any extra drawing stuff it needs to perform... getTimeAxisDecorator()->draw(this,getTimeAxis(), _pls); } // Convert an X axis string value to a double X value assuming it's a DD_Time value double TimePlot::convertXAxisValue(const std::string &value) { return DD_Time2Double (value.c_str()); } ConstantLine * TimePlot::getConstantLineFromId (int serieId, int constantId) { SeriesProperties serieProperties; for (auto parameter : _parameterAxesList) { // Get series index for (auto lIndex : parameter.getYSerieIndexList(_pParameterValues)) { serieProperties = parameter.getYSeriePropertiesAt(lIndex); if ((serieProperties.getId() == serieId) &&(serieProperties.hasYAxis() == true)) { boost::shared_ptr yAxis(_panel->getAxis(serieProperties.getYAxisId())); for (auto constantLine : yAxis->_constantLines) { if (constantLine->getId() == constantId) { return constantLine.get(); } } } } } // ConstantId not found, we throw an exception std::stringstream lError; lError << "TimePlot::getConstantLineFromId : Unable to find constantId='" << constantId << "' for serieId='" << serieId << "'"; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(PanelPlotOutputException() << AMDA::ex_msg(lError.str())); return NULL; } bool TimePlot::getSeriePropertiesById(int serieId, SeriesProperties &rSerieProperties) { for (auto parameter : _parameterAxesList) { for (auto lIndex : parameter.getYSerieIndexList(_pParameterValues)) { SeriesProperties& crtSerieProperties = parameter.getYSeriePropertiesAt(lIndex); if (crtSerieProperties.getId() == serieId) { rSerieProperties = crtSerieProperties; return true; } } } return false; } void TimePlot::mergeAndSortTime ( double *values1Time, int values1Nb, double *values2Time, int values2Nb, std::vector &valuesTime) { // Build 2 vectors std::vector v1(values1Time, values1Time + values1Nb); std::vector v2(values2Time, values2Time + values2Nb); // Populate resulting vector valuesTime.insert( valuesTime.end(), v1.begin(), v1.end() ); valuesTime.insert( valuesTime.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end() ); // Sort and remove duplicates for the resulting vector sort (valuesTime.begin(), valuesTime.end()); valuesTime.erase( unique( valuesTime.begin(), valuesTime.end() ), valuesTime.end() ); } double TimePlot::getInterpolatedValue (double *values, double *valuesTime, int valuesNb, double atTime) { // get index of first time after given time_ if(isnan(atTime)){ return nan(""); } double *pTime = valuesTime; for(int t=0; t= atTime){ if (t == 0) { return nan(""); } else { double v1 = values [t-1]; double v2 = values [t]; double d1 = valuesTime [t-1]; double d2 = valuesTime [t]; // Return a linear interpolation of the value for the index return (v1 + (v2-v1) * (atTime-d1)/(d2-d1)); } } pTime++; } return nan(""); } bool TimePlot::intersect ( double xi, double y1i, double y2i, double xj, double y1j, double y2j, double *xInter) { // Simply checks if segment are above or below the other if ( ((y1i >= y2i) && (y1j >= y2j)) ||( (y1i <= y2i) && (y1j <= y2j)) ) { return false; } // Computes intersection point : // Compute a and b (y = a * x + b) for each segment double a1 = (y1j - y1i) / (xj - xi); double b1 = y1i - a1 * xi ; double a2 = (y2j - y2i) / (xj - xi); double b2 = y2i - a2 * xi ; // Compute intersection point (a1*x+b1 = a2*x+b2) *xInter = (b2-b1) / (a1-a2); return true; } void TimePlot::addIntersectionTime (double *values1, double *values1Time, int values1Nb, double *values2, double *values2Time, int values2Nb, std::vector &valuesTime) { if (valuesTime.empty() == true) return; // For each time segment compute intersection if it exists std::vector intersectionTime; double xi = valuesTime [0]; double y1i = getInterpolatedValue (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, xi); double y2i = getInterpolatedValue (values2, values2Time, values2Nb, xi); double xj, y1j, y2j, xInter; for (size_t t=1; t &valuesTime, bool colorGreaterSpecified, Color& colorGreater, bool colorLessSpecified, Color& colorLess, SeriesProperties &rSeriesProperties) { // Get X and Y axis. boost::shared_ptr lXAxis(_panel->getAxis(rSeriesProperties.getXAxisId())); boost::shared_ptr lYAxis(_panel->getAxis(rSeriesProperties.getYAxisId())); Range lXRange = getXAxisRange (rSeriesProperties, lXAxis); Range lYRange = getYAxisRange (rSeriesProperties, lYAxis); _pls->wind(lXRange.getMin(), lXRange.getMax(), lYRange.getMin(), lYRange.getMax()); PLFLT x[4], y[4], deltai, deltaj; Color curColor; Color lInitialColor = changeColor(_pls, colorGreater, _panel->_page->_mode); for ( size_t i = 0; i < (valuesTime.size() - 1); i++ ) { x[0] = valuesTime[i]; x[1] = x[0]; x[2] = valuesTime[i+1]; x[3] = x[2]; y[0] = getInterpolatedValue (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, valuesTime[i]); y[1] = getInterpolatedValue (values2, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime[i]); y[2] = getInterpolatedValue (values2, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime[i+1]); y[3] = getInterpolatedValue (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, valuesTime[i+1]); deltai = y[1] - y[0]; deltaj = y[2] - y[3]; // Set fill color depending on segment position if ( ((deltai > 0) && (fabs(deltai) > fabs(deltaj))) || ((deltaj > 0) && (fabs(deltaj) > fabs(deltai))) ) { // s1 above s2 if (colorGreaterSpecified == true) { curColor = colorGreater; } else { continue; } } else if ( ((deltai < 0) && (fabs(deltai) > fabs(deltaj))) || ((deltaj < 0) && (fabs(deltaj) > fabs(deltai))) ) { // s1 under s2 if (colorLessSpecified == true) { curColor = colorLess; } else { continue; } } else { // Colinear segments, no fill required continue; } // Fill polygon using the given color changeColor(_pls, curColor, _panel->_page->_mode); _pls->fill(4, x, y); } // Restore color. restoreColor(_pls, lInitialColor, _panel->_page->_mode); } void TimePlot::drawFills(double startDate, double stopDate) { PanelPlotOutput::drawFills(startDate, stopDate); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills"); SeriesProperties rSeriesProperties; double *values1 = NULL; double *values1Time = NULL; int values1Nb = 0; double *values2 = NULL; double *values2Time = NULL; int values2Nb = 0; std::vector valuesTime; // Drawing Fill Area located between Serie and Constant (horizontal) line for (auto fillSerieConstant : _panel->_fillSerieConstants) { // Retrieve serie parameter values for serieId if (!getSeriePropertiesById(fillSerieConstant->getSerieId(), rSeriesProperties)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills - Cannot find serie id " << fillSerieConstant->getSerieId()); continue; } //get computed values for this serie and interval if (!getComputedValuesFromSerieAndInterval(startDate, stopDate, rSeriesProperties, rSeriesProperties.getIndex(), &values1, &values1Time, values1Nb)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills - Cannot get computed values for serie id " << fillSerieConstant->getSerieId()); continue; } // Retrieve constantLine informations for these fill ConstantLine *constantLine = getConstantLineFromId ( fillSerieConstant->getSerieId(), fillSerieConstant->getConstantId()); // Build values2 values2Time array with 2 values : yConst & (first time, last time) for serie values2 = new double [2]; values2Time = new double [2]; values2 [0] = convertYAxisValue (constantLine->getValue()); values2 [1] = convertYAxisValue (constantLine->getValue()); values2Time [0] = values1Time [0]; values2Time [1] = values1Time [values1Nb-1]; values2Nb = 2; // Build time vector by merging existing times and computing intersections, and draw it ! mergeAndSortTime (values1Time, values1Nb, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime); addIntersectionTime (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, values2, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime); drawFillArea (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, values2, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime, fillSerieConstant->isColorGreaterSpecified(), fillSerieConstant->getColorGreater(), fillSerieConstant->isColorLessSpecified(), fillSerieConstant->getColorLess(), rSeriesProperties); delete [] values1; delete [] values2; delete [] values2Time; } // Drawing Fill Area located between first and second Serie for (auto fillSerieSerie : _panel->_fillSerieSeries) { // Retrieve serie parameter values for firstSerieId if (!getSeriePropertiesById(fillSerieSerie->getFirstSerieId(), rSeriesProperties)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills - Cannot find serie id " << fillSerieSerie->getFirstSerieId()); continue; } //get computed values for this serie and interval if (!getComputedValuesFromSerieAndInterval(startDate, stopDate, rSeriesProperties, rSeriesProperties.getIndex(), &values1, &values1Time, values1Nb)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills - Cannot get computed values for serie id " << fillSerieSerie->getFirstSerieId()); continue; } // Retrieve serie parameter values for secondSerieId if (!getSeriePropertiesById(fillSerieSerie->getSecondSerieId(), rSeriesProperties)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills - Cannot find serie id " << fillSerieSerie->getSecondSerieId()); continue; } //get computed values for this serie and interval if (!getComputedValuesFromSerieAndInterval(startDate, stopDate, rSeriesProperties, rSeriesProperties.getIndex(), &values2, &values2Time, values2Nb)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawFills - Cannot get computed values for serie id " << fillSerieSerie->getSecondSerieId()); continue; } // Build time vector by merging existing times and computing intersections, and draw it ! mergeAndSortTime (values1Time, values1Nb, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime); addIntersectionTime (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, values2, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime); drawFillArea (values1, values1Time, values1Nb, values2, values2Time, values2Nb, valuesTime, fillSerieSerie->isColorGreaterSpecified(), fillSerieSerie->getColorGreater(), fillSerieSerie->isColorLessSpecified(), fillSerieSerie->getColorLess(), rSeriesProperties); delete [] values1; delete [] values2; } } void TimePlot::drawSeries(double startDate, double stopDate, int intervalIndex, std::string pParamId, SeriesProperties& pSeries, AMDA::Common::ParameterIndexComponent pParamIndex, ParameterAxes& param, bool moreThanOneSerieForAxis) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawSeries - Drawing serie for parameter "<getColorAxis() != nullptr)) { int nbColoredValues; if (!getColoredComputedValuesFromSerieAndInterval(startDate, stopDate, pSeries, &coloredComputedValues, &coloredTimeValues, nbColoredValues)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawSeries - Cannot get computed values for colored parameter"); return; } } PlWindow lPlWindow = PlWindow(getTimeAxis()->getRange().getMin(), getTimeAxis()->getRange().getMax(), _panel->getAxis(yAxisId)->getRange().getMin(), _panel->getAxis(yAxisId)->getRange().getMax()); _pls->wind(std::get<0>(lPlWindow), std::get<1>(lPlWindow), std::get<2>(lPlWindow), std::get<3>(lPlWindow)); //draw serie Color lineColor = getSerieLineColor(pSeries, moreThanOneSerieForAxis); Color symbolColor = getSerieSymbolColor(pSeries, lineColor); drawSymbols( pSeries.getSymbolProperties().getType(), pSeries.getSymbolProperties().getSize(), 1., symbolColor, nbValues, timeValues, computedValues, coloredComputedValues); drawLines( pSeries.getLineProperties().getType(), pSeries.getLineProperties().getStyle(), pSeries.getLineProperties().getWidth(), lineColor, nbValues, timeValues, computedValues, coloredComputedValues); //add serie to param legend addSerieToParamsLegend(pSeries,pParamIndex,param._originalParamId, lineColor,symbolColor,startDate,stopDate,intervalIndex); //draw interval drawSerieInterval(pSeries,timeValues,computedValues,timeValues,nbValues,intervalIndex); delete[] computedValues; if (coloredComputedValues != NULL) delete[] coloredComputedValues; // Draw min/max error bars if required ErrorBarProperties &errorBarProp = pSeries.getErrorBarProperties(); if (errorBarProp.getErrorMinMax() != nullptr) { //get computed min/max error data double *minComputedValues = NULL; double *minTimeValues = NULL; int nbMinValues; double *maxComputedValues = NULL; double *maxTimeValues = NULL; int nbMaxValues; if (!getErrorComputedValuesFromSerieAndInterval(startDate, stopDate, pSeries, &minComputedValues, &minTimeValues, nbMinValues, &maxComputedValues, &maxTimeValues, nbMaxValues)) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawSeries - Cannot get min/max error values for serie"); return; } LineProperties &lineProps = pSeries.getErrorBarProperties().getLineProperties(); drawYErrors( lineProps.getType(), lineProps.getStyle(), lineProps.getWidth(), lineProps.getColor(), nbMinValues, minTimeValues, minComputedValues, maxComputedValues); // Free values delete [] minComputedValues; delete [] maxComputedValues; } } void TimePlot::drawSpectro(double startDate, double stopDate, std::string pParamId, SpectroProperties& pSpectro) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawSpectro Drawing spectro for parameter "< tableSPtr; AMDA::Info::ParamInfoSPtr paramInfo = AMDA::Info::ParamMgr::getInstance()->getParamInfoFromId(p->getInfoId()); if (paramInfo != nullptr) tableSPtr = paramInfo->getTable(pSpectro.getRelatedDim()); //get axis boost::shared_ptr lXAxis = _panel->getAxis(pSpectro.getXAxisId()); boost::shared_ptr lYAxis = _panel->getAxis(pSpectro.getYAxisId()); boost::shared_ptr lZAxis = _panel->getColorAxis(); //Check dimensions if (pSpectro.getRelatedDim() == 0) { if (data.getDim1Size() + 1 <= 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawSpectro - No data to plot"); return; } } else { if (data.getDim2Size() + 1 <= 0) { LOG4CXX_INFO(gLogger, "TimePlot::drawSpectro - No data to plot"); return; } } MatrixGrid matrixGrid; for (auto index : pSpectro.getIndexes()) { GridPart part; if (tableSPtr == nullptr) { if (pSpectro.getRelatedDim() == 0) part.y[0] = index.getDim1Index(); else part.y[0] = index.getDim2Index(); part.y[1] = part.y[0]+1; } else { AMDA::Info::t_TableBound crtBound; if (pSpectro.getRelatedDim() == 0) crtBound = tableSPtr->getBound(&_parameterManager, index.getDim1Index()); else crtBound = tableSPtr->getBound(&_parameterManager, index.getDim2Index()); part.y[0] = crtBound.min; part.y[1] = crtBound.max; if (lYAxis->_scale == Axis::Scale::LOGARITHMIC) { part.y[0] = ((part.y[0] > 0) ? log10(part.y[0]) : 10e-3); part.y[1] = ((part.y[1] > 0) ? log10(part.y[1]) : 10e-3); } } //get original data for interval [startDate, stopDate] int startIndex; int nbValues; double *valuesInterval = data.getIntervalValues(startDate, stopDate, index, startIndex, nbValues); if (valuesInterval == NULL) continue; for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + nbValues - 1; ++i) { part.x[0] = data.getTimes()[i]; part.x[1] = data.getTimes()[i+1]; part.value = valuesInterval[i]; matrixGrid.push_back(part); } } //get specific colors for min / max values Color minValColor = lZAxis->getMinValColor(); Color maxValColor = lZAxis->getMaxValColor(); //draw spectro drawMatrix(matrixGrid, pSpectro.getMin(), pSpectro.getMax(), minValColor, maxValColor, lZAxis->_color._colorMapIndex); } /** * @brief Draw further information (for instance start date). */ void TimePlot::drawStartDate(TimeAxis* pXAxis, double startTime, double stopTime) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "Drawing start date."); if (pXAxis->_showTickMark == false || !pXAxis->_drawn || !pXAxis->_visible) return; // use panel font to draw start date. // If font of legend is not defined, use panel font. Font font(_panel->_font); std::vector lStyle; // empty styles since no style can be attached to panel CharSize charsize(getCharacterSize(getPlFontScaleFactor(font))); // panel bounds. Bounds lPanelBounds(Panel::getCoordinateInPlPage(_pls.get(), _panel->_bounds, _panel->_page)); // plotting area bounds (i.e. current viewport dimensions) PLFLT lXMin, lXMax, lYMin, lYMax; _pls->gvpd(lXMin, lXMax, lYMin, lYMax); // set viewport for start date : _pls->vpor(lXMin,lXMax,lPanelBounds._y, lPanelBounds._y+lPanelBounds._height); // position of reference point of string along the bottom edge // expressed as a fraction of the length of the bottom edge // set it at the very beginning of edge and use justification to handle // reverse axis. float lPosition = 0.0; // display it one line above the main panel bottom border : float disp = -1; long int lTime = static_cast(startTime); tm * lTimeTm = gmtime(&lTime); char lTimeChr[80]; // Format date. strftime(lTimeChr, 80, getPlStartTimeFormat(pXAxis->_timeFormat, startTime, stopTime).c_str(), lTimeTm); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "Start date to draw : " << lTimeChr); // Set font _pls->schr(getPlFontDef(font), getPlFontScaleFactor(font)); _pls->sfont(getPlFontFamily(font), getPlFontStyle(lStyle), getPlFontWeight(lStyle)); // Draw start date. if (pXAxis->_reverse) { _pls->mtex("b", disp, 1 + lPosition, 0., lTimeChr); } else { _pls->mtex("b", disp, lPosition, 1., lTimeChr); } // restore viewport : _pls->vpor(lXMin,lXMax,lYMin, lYMax); } // // Old version of drawStartDate, revert to it if new version above is not correct. // ///** // * @brief Draw further information (for instance start date). // */ //void TimePlot::drawStartDate(TimeAxis* pXAxis) { // // Get character size of panel. // double lFontFactorPanel = getPlFontScaleFactor(_panel->_font); // CharSize lCharSizePanel(getCharacterSize(lFontFactorPanel)); // // // If font of legend is not defined, use panel font. // Font lFont(pXAxis->_legend._font); // std::vector lStyle(pXAxis->_legend._style); // if (lFont._size == 0) { // lFont = _panel->_font; // lStyle = std::vector(); // } // double lFontFactorLegend = getPlFontScaleFactor(lFont); // CharSize lCharSizeLegend(getCharacterSize(lFontFactorLegend)); // // LegendRowInfo lXLegendRowInfo(getLegendRow(pXAxis->_legend)); // // // Get extra tick mark space (only if they are outwards) // float lTickMarkSpace = 0; // if (pXAxis->_tick._position == Tick::TickPosition::OUTWARDS) { // if ((!isnan(pXAxis->_tick._lengthFactor)) && (pXAxis->_tick._lengthFactor > HORIZONTAL_TICK_LENGTH_LIMIT)) { // // 1 character size is equal to 0.75 tick length. // lTickMarkSpace = (pXAxis->_tick._lengthFactor - HORIZONTAL_TICK_LENGTH_LIMIT) / (DEFAULT_TICK_LENGTH_FACTOR); // } else if ((isnan(pXAxis->_tick._lengthFactor)) && (DEFAULT_TICK_LENGTH_FACTOR > HORIZONTAL_TICK_LENGTH_LIMIT)) { // // 1 character size is equal to 0.75 tick length. // lTickMarkSpace = (DEFAULT_TICK_LENGTH_FACTOR - HORIZONTAL_TICK_LENGTH_LIMIT) / (DEFAULT_TICK_LENGTH_FACTOR); // } // } // // float lDisposition; // if (pXAxis->_visible) { // if (lXLegendRowInfo->size() != 0) { // // Position is under tick marks. // lDisposition = (1.5 + pXAxis->getTickMarkSize().second); // // Take into account tick length // lDisposition += lTickMarkSpace; // // Add position by taking into account difference in font size. // lDisposition += (lCharSizeLegend.second / lCharSizePanel.second); // // Adjust difference between the two font size to have the bottom edge of a "text box" aligned. // lDisposition += ((1 * (lCharSizeLegend.second / lCharSizePanel.second)) // - 1); // } else { // lDisposition = 3.5 + lTickMarkSpace; // } // } else { // lDisposition = 1.5; // } // // Bounds lPanelBounds(Panel::getCoordinateInPlPage(_pls.get(), _panel->_bounds, _panel->_page)); // PLFLT lXMin, lXMax, lYMin, lYMax; // _pls->gvpd(lXMin, lXMax, lYMin, lYMax); // // float lPosition = (lXMin - lPanelBounds._x) / lPanelBounds._width; // lPosition -= lCharSizePanel.first / lPanelBounds._width; // // // long int lTime = static_cast(_currentTimeInterval->_startTime); // tm * lTimeTm = gmtime(&lTime); // char lTimeChr[80]; // // // Format date. // strftime(lTimeChr, 80, // getPlStartTimeFormat(pXAxis->_timeFormat, // _currentTimeInterval->_startTime, // _currentTimeInterval->_stopTime).c_str(), lTimeTm); // // // Set font // std::vector styles; // _pls->schr(getPlFontDef(_panel->_font), // getPlFontScaleFactor(_panel->_font)); // _pls->sfont(getPlFontFamily(_panel->_font), getPlFontStyle(styles), // getPlFontWeight(styles)); // // // // Draw start date. // if (pXAxis->_reverse) { // _pls->mtex("b", lDisposition, 1 + lPosition, 1., lTimeChr); // } else { // _pls->mtex("b", lDisposition, -lPosition, 0., lTimeChr); // } //} const std::string TimePlot::getXAxisId() const { // time plot can manage only one x axis. // search for its id for (auto param : _parameterAxesList) { //search time axis in color serie if exist if (!param.getYSeriePropertiesMap().empty()) return param.getYSeriePropertiesMap().begin()->second.getXAxisId(); //search time axis in spectro if exist if (param.getSpectroProperties() != nullptr) return param.getSpectroProperties()->getXAxisId(); } return DefaultPlotConfiguration::TIME_DEFAULT_ID; } } /* namespace plot */