!1 User Story 16: Resampling parameter avec 'gaps'

!define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease2/SprinT1/UserStory16/}

!2 Description des tests

Définir l'intervalle de temps à partir duquel l'absence de données est considéré comme 'gap' . Faire echantillonage de parameter. 
Input args: 
Sampling : new sampling time. 
note that original param sampling is to be got by DD_getInform('minSamping') 
!-GapsThreshold-!: min gap value (in original sampling time) 
Put !-NaN-! for large gaps

!4 Tests : 

!3 ID-51 resampling with 'small' gaps
Input: velocity (paramId)
!-StartTime-!: 2008000000000000
!-TimeInterval-!: 0000001000000000
!-SamplingTime-!: 800
!-SamplingMode-!: classic
!-GapsThreshold-!: 8 ( * !-SamplingOriginal-!)

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 16: id 51|id test|
|check|returnValue|-f iso -p velocity --sampling 800 --sampling-mode classic --gaps-threshold 8 -s 2008000000000000 -d 0000001000000000|argument|0|

!3 ID-52 resampling with 'small' gaps
Input: velocity (paramId)
!-StartTime-!: 2008001000000000
!-TimeInterval-!: 0000001000000000
!-SamplingTime-!: 800
!-SamplingMode-!: simple
!-GapsThreshold-!: 8 ( * !-SamplingOriginal-!)

!4 Tests : 
|reference|US 16: id 52|id test|
|check|returnValue|-f iso -p velocity --sampling 800 --sampling-mode classic --gaps-threshold 8 -s 2008001000000000 -d 0000001000000000|argument|0|

!2 Suivit des modifications
Remplacement dans les fichiers test_16_51.txt et  test_16_52.txt de 'NaN' par 'nan'
test 13_52: option sampling-mode classic au lieu de simple
!contents -R2 -g -p -f -h