# - Try to find CSlim # Once done this will define # CSLIM_FOUND - System has CSlim # CSLIMINCLUDE_DIRS - The CSlim include directories # CSLIMLIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use CSlim # CSLIMDEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using CSlim find_path(CSLIMINCLUDE_DIR CSlim/Slim.h HINTS $ENV{CSLIM_ROOT}/include ${CSLIM_ROOT}/include ) mark_as_advanced(CSLIMINCLUDE_DIR) find_library(CSLIMLIBRARY NAMES CSlim HINTS $ENV{CSLIM_ROOT} ${CSLIM_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib ) mark_as_advanced(CSLIMLIBRARY) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(CSlim DEFAULT_MSG CSLIMLIBRARY CSLIMINCLUDE_DIR) if(CSLIM_FOUND) set(CSLIMINCLUDE_DIRS ${CSLIMINCLUDE_DIR}) set(CSLIMLIBRARIES ${CSLIMLIBRARY}) endif()