# - Try to find the cspice libraries # Once done this will define # # libcspice_FOUND - flag that indicates cspice lib is installed # libcspice_INCLUDE_DIR - the cspice lib include directory # libcspice_LIBRARIES - the cspice lib library directory FIND_PATH(libcspice_INCLUDE_DIR SpiceSPK.h PATHS ${USERLOCAL_ROOT}/include/cspice/) FIND_LIBRARY(libcspice_LIBRARIES NAMES cspice PATHS ${USERLOCAL_ROOT}/lib ) # set FOUND flag IF(libcspice_INCLUDE_DIR AND libcspice_LIBRARIES) SET(libcspice_FOUND 1) if(NOT libcspice_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found libcspice: ${libcspice_LIBRARIES}") endif(NOT libcspice_FIND_QUIETLY) ELSE(libcspice_INCLUDE_DIR AND libcspice_LIBRARIES) SET(libcspice_FOUND 0 CACHE BOOL "Not found libcspice library") message(STATUS "NOT Found libcspice, disabling it") ENDIF(libcspice_INCLUDE_DIR AND libcspice_LIBRARIES) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(libcspice_INCLUDE_DIR libcspice_LIBRARIES)