!1 User Story 63: Paramètre composé utilisateur sur composante de 1d tableau ou vecteur http://yahscrum.akka.eu:8080/icescrum/p/AMDAKERNEL-63 !define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease2/SprinT2/UserStory63/} !define executable {EXE_AMDA_Kernel} !2 Description Construct and output values of composed parameter based on user defined expression with arithmetic operators and parameters simple and with the use of parameter component vectoriels !2 Liste des tests !4 Tests : !|script|TestAmdaCommandLine| |set|${path}|path| !3 ID-115 scalar product !4 Tests : !|script|TestAmdaCommandLine| |reference|US 63: id 115|id test| |execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p expression_component -s 2008000003030000 -d 0000000010000000|args| |check|result|0| |check|diffOutputFile|test_63_115.txt|file1|output-expression_component_2008000003030000.txt|file2|0|epsilon|0| !2 Gestion des modifications 2008-01-01T01:30:30.000 2.087 => 2008-01-01T01:30:30.000 0.941