!1 User Story 58: Complex parameter processing http://yahscrum.akka.eu:8080/icescrum/p/AMDAKERNEL-58 !define path {../test/FitNesseRoot/ReleaseS/FirstPart/ReLease3/SprinT1/UserStory58/} !define executable {EXE_AMDA_Kernel} !2 Description Construct and output values of parameter using several basic parameters (), standard library function and time dependent calibration. Finalize parameter XML descriptor !2 Liste des tests !4 Tests : !|script|TestAmdaCommandLine| |set|${path}|path| !3 ID-135 complex parameter !-paramID: vex_els_flux-! Start: !-TimeInt:-! output ascii file with parameter and calibration values !4 Tests : !|script|TestAmdaCommandLine| |reference|US 60: id 121|id test| |check|execute|${executable}|command|-f iso -p vex_els_flux -s 2008000012015000 -d 0000000000100000|args|0| |check|diffOutputFile|test_58_135.txt|file1|output-vex_els_flux_2008000012015000.txt|file2|0.108|epsilon|0| !2 suivi des modifications Sans objet ----- !contents -R2 -g -p -f -h