!|scenario|get history for page|page| |check|request page|@page?pageHistory|200| |$TESTPAGE=|echo|@page| |show|content| !|scenario|get top level history| |check|request page|?testHistory|200| |show|content| !|scenario|the number of page histories should be|number| |check|count of tag|TR|with id prefix|pageHistoryRow|@number| !|scenario|the page history bar for|date|should have|number|elements of class|class| |$date=|page history date signature of|@date| |check|count of tag|TD|with id|element|and with class|@class|below tag|TR|with id prefix|pageHistoryRow_$date|@number| !|scenario|the page title should be|title| |ensure|content contains|


| !|scenario|the page title should be a link to|page|with value|value| |ensure|content contains|


| !|scenario|the bread crumb|crumb|should be a link to|page| |ensure|content contains|@crumb| !|scenario|The page history bar for|date|should have a|id|with class|class|and value|value| |$date=|page history date signature of|@date| |ensure|content of tag with id|pageHistoryRow_$date|contains|@value| |show|content of tag with id|pageHistoryRow_$date| !|scenario|The page history bar for|date|should have a date field with class|class| |$date=|page history date signature of|@date| |ensure|content of tag with id|pageHistoryRow_$date|contains|| !|scenario|the top level history line for|page|is a link to the page history| |ensure|content contains|@page| !|scenario|The page history line for|date|should be a link to result|resultDate| |ensure|content contains|@date| !|scenario|the top level history line for|page|should have a|class|link with|sign|to result|resultDate| |ensure|content contains|@sign| !|scenario|the top level history line for|page|should not have a link to|resultDate| |reject|content contains|| !|scenario|class for pass fail in top level history line|page||pass class||pass count||fail class||fail count| |ensure|html contains|@page @passCount @failCount| !|scenario|assume time is|time| |freeze clock at|@time| !|scenario|with subpage|name|with content|content| |create page|$IT.@name|with content|@content| !|scenario|run suite|name| |check|request page|@name?suite|200|