/** * FileWriterCDF.hh * * Created on: 08 oct. 2014 * Author: AKKA */ #ifndef FILEWRITERCDF_HH_ #define FILEWRITERCDF_HH_ #include "FileWriter.hh" #include "ParamMgr.hh" #include "DataSetMgr.hh" #include "InstrumentMgr.hh" #include "MissionMgr.hh" #include "cdf.h" #include namespace AMDA { namespace ParamOutputImpl { namespace Download { namespace FileWriter { using namespace AMDA::Info; /** * @class FileWriterCDF * @brief Implementation of FileWriter for CDF file format. * @details */ class FileWriterCDF : public FileWriter { public: /* * structure used to store variable info */ typedef struct { long varNum; long recNum; long type; long dim1Size; long dim2Size; } ParamCDFVar; /* * @brief Constructor */ FileWriterCDF(AMDA::Parameters::ParameterManager& pParameterManager); /* * @brief Destructor */ virtual ~FileWriterCDF(void); /* * @overload FileWriter::getExtension - method to get file format extension */ virtual std::string getExtension(void); /* * @overload FileWriter::createNewFile - Create a new CDF file */ virtual bool createNewFile(std::string filePath); /* * @overload FileWriter::closeFile - Close current opened CDF file */ virtual void closeFile(void); /* * @overload FileWriter::addParameter - Add an output parameter in CDF file */ virtual bool addParameter(ParamProperties* paramProp, AMDA::Common::ParameterIndexComponentList &indexList, FileDataType type, bool isFirstParam, int dim1Size = 1, int dim2Size = 1); /* * @overload FileWriter::isInfoInSeparateFile - Function use to know if info must be write in a separate file */ virtual bool isInfoInSeparateFile(bool separateInfoFile , bool onlyOneInterval, OutputStructure outputStructure); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeError - Write an error message in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeError(std::string msg); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeAMDAInfo - Write an AMDA info bloc for CDF file */ virtual bool writeAMDAInfo(std::string version, std::string createdby, std::string acknowledgement); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeRequestInfo - Write a request info bloc for CDF file */ virtual bool writeRequestInfo(std::string structure, std::string timeFormat, int timeResolution, std::string outputParams, std::string ttName); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeParamsInfo - Write a parameter info bloc for CDF file */ virtual bool writeParamsInfo(ParamPropertiesList& paramPropertiesList, OutputStructure outputStructure, std::string currentParamId = ""); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeIntervalInfo - Write an interval info bloc for CDF file */ virtual bool writeIntervalInfo(std::string startTime, std::string stopTime); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeTimeData - Write a time data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeTimeData(std::string paramId, double data, OutputFormatTime timeFormat, bool isFirstParam); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeFloatData - Write a float data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeFloatData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, float data, bool precision); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeShortData - Write a short data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeShortData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, short data, bool precision); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeIntData - Write a int data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeIntData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, int data, bool precision); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeDoubleData - Write a double data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeDoubleData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, double data, bool precision); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeLongDoubleData - Write a long double data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeLongDoubleData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, long double data, bool precision); /* * @overload FileWriter::writeLogicalData - Write a logical data in the CDF file */ virtual bool writeLogicalData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, AMDA::Parameters::LogicalData data, bool precision); /* * @overload FileWriter::goToNextRecord - Prepare CDF writer to write the next record */ virtual bool goToNextRecord(std::string paramId); /* * @overload FileWriter::finalize - Finalize CDF file write. */ virtual bool finalize(bool isInfoFile = false); protected: /* * @brief Write one data in the CDF file */ bool writeOneData(std::string paramId, int varIndex, void *data); /* * @brief Add a parameter in the CDF file */ bool addCDFParameter(std::string outputId, AMDA::Common::ParameterIndexComponentList &indexList, FileDataType type, int dim1Size, int dim2Size); /* * @brief Create a variable in the CDF file */ bool createCDFVar(const char *name, FileDataType type, long varDim1Size, long varDim2Size, ParamCDFVar& cdfVar); /* * @brief Add an attribute in the CDF file */ bool addAttribute(std::string attName, std::string attVal, long scope, long varNum = 0); /* * @brief Write mission info attributes in the CDF file */ bool writeMissionInfo(MissionInfoSPtr missionInfo, long varNum); /* * @brief Write instrument info attributes in the CDF file */ bool writeInstrumentInfo(InstrumentInfoSPtr instrumentInfo, long varNum); /* * @brief Write dataset info attributes in the CDF file */ bool writeDatasetInfo(DataSetInfoSPtr datasetInfo, long varNum); /* * @brief Write parameter info attributes in the CDF file */ bool writeParameterInfo(ParamInfoSPtr parameterInfo, long varNum); private: /* * @brief CDF identifier */ CDFid _cdfid; /* * @brief Map of CDF var info */ std::map _cdfVarMap; }; } /* namespace FileWriter */ } /* namespace Download */ } /* namespace ParamOutputImpl */ } /* namespace AMDA */ #endif /* FILEWRITERCDF_HH_ */