/* * AdditionalObjectsNode.hh * * Created on: 1/07/2014 * Author: AKKA */ #ifndef ADDITIONALOBJECTSNODE_HH_ #define ADDITIONALOBJECTSNODE_HH_ #include #include "NodeCfg.hh" #include "Constant.hh" #include "PlotLogger.hh" #include "CommonNode.hh" #include "TextPlot.hh" #include "CurvePlot.hh" #include "CurveFunction/CurveFunctionWriter.hh" namespace plot { /* * @brief Text plot node */ class TextPlotNode: public AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg { public: TextPlotNode() : AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg() { getChildList()["font"] = AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfgSPtr( new FontNode()); } virtual ~TextPlotNode() { } void proceed(xmlNodePtr pNode, const AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext& pCtx) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "TextPlotNode::proceed"); Panel* panel = pCtx.get(); boost::shared_ptr textPlot (new TextPlot()); xmlChar* value = NULL; // -- text if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "text"))) { textPlot->_text = (const char *) value; xmlFree(value); } // -- x if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "x"))) { textPlot->_x = (const char *) value; xmlFree(value); } // -- y if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "y"))) { textPlot->_y = (const char *) value; xmlFree(value); } // -- angle if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "angle"))) { textPlot->_angle = std::stod((const char *) value); xmlFree(value); } // -- align if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "align"))) { if (strcmp ((const char *) value, "left") == 0) textPlot->_align = 0; else if (strcmp ((const char *) value, "center") == 0) textPlot->_align = 0.5; else textPlot->_align = 1.0; xmlFree(value); } // -- color Color color; value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "color"); if (value) { try { std::string strValue((const char*) value); createColor(color, strValue); } catch (std::logic_error& e) { LOG4CXX_WARN(gLogger, "TextPlot Color : " << e.what()); color = DefaultPlotConfiguration::getInstance()._defaultPanel._backgroundColor; } xmlFree(value); } else { color = DefaultPlotConfiguration::getInstance()._defaultPanel._backgroundColor; } textPlot->_color = color; panel->_textPlots.push_back(textPlot); AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext context; context.push (textPlot.get()); AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg::proceed(pNode, context); } }; /* * @brief Curve function attribute node */ class CurveFunctionAttributeNode: public AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfg { public: CurveFunctionAttributeNode() : NodeCfg() { } virtual ~CurveFunctionAttributeNode() { } void proceed(xmlNodePtr pNode, const AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext& pContext) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurveFunctionAttributeNode::proceed"); CurveFunctionWriter* curveFunction = pContext.get(); xmlChar* value = NULL; // -- name std::string attName = ""; if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { attName = (const char*) value; xmlFree(value); } if (attName.empty()) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurveFunctionAttributeNode::proceed - Attribute don't have a name => skip"); return; } // -- value double attValue = 0.; if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "value"))) { attValue = std::atof((const char*)value); xmlFree(value); } else { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurveFunctionAttributeNode::proceed - Attribute " << attName << "don't have a value => set to 0."); } curveFunction->addAttribute(attName,attValue); } }; /* * @brief Curve function attributes (ie list of attribute) node */ class CurveFunctionAttributesNode: public AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg { public: CurveFunctionAttributesNode() : NodeGrpCfg() { getChildList()["attribute"] = AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfgSPtr( new CurveFunctionAttributeNode()); } virtual ~CurveFunctionAttributesNode() { } void proceed(xmlNodePtr pNode, const AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext& pContext) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurveFunctionAttributesNode::proceed"); CurveFunctionWriter* curveFunction = pContext.get(); AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext context; context.push (curveFunction); AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg::proceed(pNode, context); } }; /* * @brief Curve function node */ class CurveFunctionNode: public AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg { public: CurveFunctionNode() : NodeGrpCfg() { getChildList()["attributes"] = AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfgSPtr( new CurveFunctionAttributesNode()); } virtual ~CurveFunctionNode() { } void proceed(xmlNodePtr pNode, const AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext& pContext) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurveFunctionNode::proceed"); CurvePlot* curvePlot = pContext.get(); xmlChar* value = NULL; // -- name std::string functionName; if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { functionName = (const char*) value; xmlFree(value); } else { ERROR_EXCEPTION( AMDA::XMLConfigurator::ERROR_MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING << pNode->name << "@name") } std::shared_ptr curveFunction (new CurveFunctionWriter()); curveFunction->setFunctionName(functionName); curvePlot->_curveFunction = curveFunction; AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext context; context.push (curveFunction.get()); AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg::proceed(pNode, context); } }; /* * @brief Curve plot node */ class CurvePlotNode: public AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg { public: CurvePlotNode() : AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg() { getChildList()["function"] = AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfgSPtr( new CurveFunctionNode()); } virtual ~CurvePlotNode() { } void proceed(xmlNodePtr pNode, const AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext& pCtx) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurvePlotNode::proceed"); Panel* panel = pCtx.get(); boost::shared_ptr curvePlot (new CurvePlot()); xmlChar* value = NULL; // -- serieId if ((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *) "serieId"))) { curvePlot->_serieId = atoi((const char*)value); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "CurvePlotNode::proceed - curvePlot->_serieId " << curvePlot->_serieId); xmlFree(value); } // -- style if((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *)"style"))) { try{ curvePlot->_style = stoLineStyle.at(std::string((const char*)value)); } catch( std::out_of_range& err ){ std::ostringstream msg {}; msg << "CurvePlotNode::proceed invalid LineStyle value:" << value <<". Using default value."; LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, msg.str()); } xmlFree(value); } // -- width if((value = xmlGetProp(pNode, (const xmlChar *)"width"))) { curvePlot->_width = atoi((const char*)value); xmlFree(value); } // -- color attributes : updateColor(curvePlot->_color, pNode, (const xmlChar *)"color", (const xmlChar *)"colorMapIndex"); panel->_curvePlots.push_back(curvePlot); AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext context; context.push (curvePlot.get()); AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg::proceed(pNode, context); } }; /* * @brief Additional object node */ class AdditionalObjectsNode: public AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg { public: AdditionalObjectsNode() : AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg() { getChildList()["textPlot"] = AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfgSPtr( new TextPlotNode()); getChildList()["curvePlot"] = AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeCfgSPtr( new CurvePlotNode()); } virtual ~AdditionalObjectsNode() { } void proceed(xmlNodePtr pNode, const AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext& pCtx) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(gLogger, "AdditionalObjectsNode::proceed"); Panel* panel = pCtx.get(); AMDA::Parameters::CfgContext context; context.push (panel); AMDA::XMLConfigurator::NodeGrpCfg::proceed(pNode, context); } }; } /* namespace plot */ #endif /* ADDITIONALOBJECTSNODE_HH_ */