DicError.hh 3.21 KB
 * DicError.hh
 *  Created on: 12 oct. 2012
 *      Author: AKKA IS

#ifndef DICERROR_HH_
#define DICERROR_HH_

#include <string>

 * List of code error return by application
enum {
	AMDA_PARSE_COMMAND_LINE_KO = 1, ///Command line arguments not recognized
	AMDA_TYPE_DATA_UNKNOWN = 2, /// Type of Data not supported
    AMDA_FILEPROPERTIES_ERR = 3, /// Error in property file
	AMDA_INFORMATION_PARAM_ERR = 4, /// Parameter XML file not found or not well-formed or not valid
	AMDA_INFORMATION_REQUEST_ERR = 5, /// Request XML file error
	AMDA_PARAM_OUTPUT_ERR = 6, /// ParamOutput implementation not found
	AMDA_PROCESS_ERR = 7, /// Compilation abort or library load abort
	AMDA_PARAM_NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8, /// Parameter of ident ??? is not fond
	AMDA_PARAM_SOME_ERR = 9, /// Some ParamOutput are terminated successfully but not all.
	AMDA_OPER_NOT_ALLOWED = 10, /// Operation not allowed
	AMDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 100, // Unknown error

	 * Errors for ParamGet LocalFiles
	AMDA_LOCALFILE_READER    = 20, /// Unknown file reader
	AMDA_LOCALFILE_TIMEPARAM = 21, /// Cannot find time parameter
	AMDA_OUTOFTIME_ERR       = 22, /// Out of data time

	 * Parser error
	AMDA_PARSER_TEST_ERROR   = 30, /// At leat an error occured during test of the parser

	/*------------ Errors of   DD_serveur ---------------------*/
	AMDA_ERROR_NOCONNECTION =201, // No connection with DD_server
	AMDA_ERROR_TOOMANYREQ   =202, // too many request
	AMDA_ERROR_REPLYRECERR  =204, // receive an server error
	AMDA_ERROR_NOID        = 205, //Id of request not valid
	AMDA_ERROR_NOREFFILE    =206, //Data base not consistent
	AMDA_ERROR_NOTIMESFILE  =207, //Data base not consistent
	AMDA_ERROR_NOINFOFILE   =208, //Data base not consistent
	AMDA_ERROR_NOVAR       = 209, // Variable  unknown
	AMDA_ERROR_OUTOFTIME    =210, //Out of data time
	AMDA_ERROR_CACHERR       =211, /** The error occured when program manipulated the cach */
	AMDA_ERROR_CACHTOOREC    =233 ,/** Off files in the CASH are created less then 5 sec ago */
	AMDA_ERROR_WAITEXTCALL   =234, /** Server Waits external call finish */
	AMDA_ERROR_TRYAGAIN     = 235, /** Times file is locked. This request should be repeated again */
	AMDA_ERROR_NODATAATTIME  =236, /** Requested time is inside NODATA time interval */
	AMDA_ERROR_GAPISSMALL    =237, /** Gap is too small to call external archive */
	AMDA_ERROR_CTIMEISSHIFTED =238 ,/** The request was in NoData interval, try again with time at the end */
	AMDA_ERROR_DATAFILEERR  = 212, /** The error while manipulate with data file */
	AMDA_ERROR_ENVIRERROR =213  ,  /** Error in Environments */
	AMDA_ERROR_NOPOINTER  =214 ,   /** The pointer points nowhere, SetTime were failed */
	AMDA_ERROR_INTSERERR  =215 ,   /** Server internal error */
	AMDA_ERROR_TIMEINEMPTY =216,   /** No data for specified time interval */
	AMDA_ERROR_NOEXEC     = 217 ,  /** No executable */
	/*------------ Errors of   DD_serveur(ACCESS) ---------------------*/
	AMDA_ERROR_OPERMISSION  =   250, /** Permission denied to connect with DD_server*/
	AMDA_ERROR_NOHOST       =   251, /** Permission denied to connect with DD_server*/

std::string getErrorMsg(int error_code);

#endif /* DICERROR_HH_ */