ParamOutput.hh 2.82 KB
 * ParamOutput.hh
 *  Created on: 18 oct. 2012
 *      Author: AKKA IS


#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <memory>

#include "ParameterManager.hh"
#include "ParamData.hh"
#include "VisitorOfParamData.hh"
#include "DataClient.hh"
#include "Parameter.hh"
#include "PostProcessingAble.hh"

#include "log4cxx/logger.h"

namespace AMDA
	namespace Parameters

		class Parameter;

		typedef boost::shared_ptr<Parameter> ParameterSPtr;

		 * Exception specific for ParseMainArguments
		struct ParamOutput_exception : virtual AMDA_exception

		 * AMDA::Parameters::ParamOutput
		class ParamOutput : public AMDA::Parameters::DataClient,
							public postprocessing::PostProcessingAble
			ParamOutput(ParameterManager &pParameterManager);
			virtual ~ParamOutput();

			 * set information sampling
			void setSampling(const std::string &samplingMode, double samplingValue,
							 float gapThreshold)
				_samplingMode = samplingMode;
				_samplingValue = samplingValue;
				_gapThreshold = gapThreshold;
			void setWorkPath(const std::string &workPath)
				_workPath = workPath;

			// Others methods
			 * @brief initializes time attribute
			virtual void init(TimeIntervalListSPtr pTimeIntervalList);

			void process();
			 * @brief generate output, get data with _parameter->getAsync and write data with the design pattern visitor
			virtual void apply() = 0;

			virtual void terminate();

			 * @brief initializes all parameter to process
			virtual void init() = 0;

			static log4cxx::LoggerPtr _logger;

			 * @brief _timeInterval: List of time interval on which to do output.
			TimeIntervalListSPtr _timeIntervalList;

			 * @brief _timeInterval: List of time interval for which time interval is less than sampling time.
			TimeIntervalListSPtr _timeIntervalListTooSmall;

			 * @brief _currentTimeInterval: Identify on which time interval ParamOutput instance is working.
			TimeIntervalList::iterator _currentTimeInterval;
			TimeIntervalList::iterator _parseTimeInterval; /* Furkan */

			 * sampling mode of _parameter
			 * by default: "" <==> no sampling
			std::string _samplingMode;

			 * path where output are created
			 * by default: "."
			std::string _workPath;

			 * sampling value of _parameter
			double _samplingValue;

			 * gap threshold of _parameter
			float _gapThreshold;

			ParamDataIndexInfo _paramDataIndexInfo;

			ParameterManager &_parameterManager;

		double getSamplingInTreeParameter(AMDA::Parameters::ParameterSPtr pParam);

	} /* namespace Parameters */
} /* namespace AMDA */
#endif /* PARAMOUTPUT_HH_ */