paramManager = new IHMParamManagerClass(); $this->expressionParser = new IHMExpressionParserClass(); $this->jobsManager = new IHMJobsManagerClass(); } /* * @brief Generate a unique ID for the current request */ protected function generateNewRequestId() { $this->requestID = CommonClass::generateRandomString(6); } /* * @brief Get working dir name */ protected function getWorkingDirName() { return $this->requestDirPrefix.$this->requestID."_"; } /* * @brief Get full working dir path */ protected function getWorkingPath() { return IHMConfigClass::getRequestPath().$this->getWorkingDirName().'/'; } /* * @brief Unmarshall the time definition from the IHM request */ protected function unmarshallTimeDefinition($input, $requestIndex, $ttFileIndex = -1, $ttIntIndex = -1) { $requestNodes = $this->paramsData->getRequestNodes(); $timesNode = $requestNodes[$requestIndex]->getTimesNode(); switch ($input->timesrc) { case "TimeTable" : if (($ttFileIndex >= 0) && ($ttFileIndex >= count($input->timeTables))) throw new Exception('Try to use a non-existing Time table index in the request.'); $crtIndex = 0; foreach ($input->timeTables as $tt) { if (($ttFileIndex >= 0 ) && ($ttFileIndex != $crtIndex)) { // Do not plot this TT ++$crtIndex; continue; } if (strpos($tt->id, "sharedtimeTable_") === 0) { $result = IHMSharedObjectsClass::getPath("timeTable", $tt->id); if (!$result['success']) throw new Exception($result['message']); $ttPath = $result['path']; } else if (strpos($tt->id, "sharedcatalog_") === 0) { $result = IHMSharedObjectsClass::getPath("catalog", $tt->id); if (!$result['success']) throw new Exception($result['message']); $ttPath = $result['path']; } else { $ttPath = IHMConfigClass::getUserTTPath(); $ttPath .= ($tt->id.".xml"); } if ((strpos($tt->id, "cat_") === 0) || (strpos($tt->id, "sharedcatalog_") === 0)) $timesNode->addCatalog($ttPath, $tt->{'timeTableName'}, $ttIntIndex); else $timesNode->addTimeTable($ttPath, $tt->{'timeTableName'}, $ttIntIndex); ++$crtIndex; } break; case "Interval" : date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $timeStamp = strtotime($input->startDate); $start = CommonClass::timeStampToDDTime($timeStamp); $timeStamp = strtotime($input->stopDate) - strtotime($input->startDate); $duration = CommonClass::timeStampToDDTime($timeStamp); $timesNode->addInterval($start, $duration); break; default : throw new Exception('Time source type not implemented.'); } } /* * @brief Add a job to the job manager */ protected function addToJobsFile($data,$resultKey) { $waitingResult = $data->getWaitingResult($resultKey); if ($this->sendToSamp && ($data->getStatus() == ProcessStatusEnumClass::DONE)) { $waitingResult = explode("\n", file_get_contents(IHMConfigClass::getRequestPath()."/".$this->getWorkingDirName()."/".$waitingResult)); $waitingResult = implode(',', $waitingResult); $waitingResult = rtrim($waitingResult, ','); } return $this->jobsManager->addJob( $this->input, $data->getId(), $this->getWorkingDirName(), $data->getStatus() == ProcessStatusEnumClass::RUNNING, $data->getStart(), $waitingResult, $data->getErrorCode(), $data->getExecTime()); } /* * @brief Delete current working dir + delete jobs that use this working dir + delete process */ protected function deleteWorkingDir() { $res = $this->jobsManager->getJobsByWorkingDir($this->getWorkingDirName()); if (!$res['success']) return; foreach ($res['jobs'] as $jobId) { //delete process $deleteData = new ProcessRequestDataClass(); $deleteData->setManagerFilePath(IHMConfigClass::getProcessManagerFilePath()); $deleteData->setType(ProcessTypeEnumClass::DELETE); $deleteData->setId($jobId); $processRequest = new ProcessRequestClass(); $processRequest->setData($deleteData); if ($processRequest->init()) $processRequest->run(); //delete job and working dir $this->jobsManager->deleteJob($jobId); } } /* * @brief Marshall request result for the IHM client */ protected function commonMarshallResult($data,$resultKey) { if (!$data->getSuccess()) return array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $data->getLastErrorMessage()); switch ($data->getStatus()) { case ProcessStatusEnumClass::ERROR : case ProcessStatusEnumClass::RUNNING : case ProcessStatusEnumClass::DONE : return $this->addToJobsFile($data,$resultKey); default : return array( 'success' => false, 'message' => 'Unknown Process Status'); } } /* * @brief translate input data from IHM client to AMDA_Integration module for a "param" request */ public function getInputData($input,$function,$requestId = "") { if (isset($this->paramsData)) unset($this->paramsData); $this->paramsData = new ParamsRequestDataClass(); if ($requestId == "") { $this->requestDirPrefix = "DD"; $this->generateNewRequestId(); } else { $this->requestDirPrefix = ""; $this->requestID = $requestId; } $this->paramsData->setWorkingPath($this->getWorkingPath()); $this->paramsData->setCompilationPath(IHMConfigClass::getCompilationPath()); $this->paramsData->setLocalBasePath(IHMConfigClass::getLocalBasePath()); $this->paramsData->setManagerFilePath(IHMConfigClass::getProcessManagerFilePath()); $this->input = $input; return $this->unmarshallRequest($input); } /* * @brief translate output data from AMDA_Integration module to IHM client for a "param" request */ public function getOutput($data) { return $this->marshallResult($data); } /* * @brief Abstract method to unmarshall a "param" request */ abstract protected function unmarshallRequest($input); /* * @brief Abstract method to marshall the result of a "param" request */ abstract protected function marshallResult($data); } ?>