<h1>MEX IMA proton solar wind proxy</h1>
<p>Mex IMA protons density and velocity in SW is a subset of IMA ion moments dataset on applying an orbital
restrictions. IMA ion moments are calculated in IRAP using Andrei Fedorov procedure.</p>
<p>IMA/MEX operates in two modes -16 / 2 elevation angles (averaged). In <i>2 elevations</i> mode the quailty flag
value is undefined (== 0). Normally the quality of IMA measurements in SW is good enough.</p>
<p>Density quality flag values:</p>
<li><b>0.0:</b> Undefined (2 elevation angles mode)</li>
<li><b>0.0 - 0.6:</b> Poor</li>
<li><b>0.6 - 0.8:</b> Acceptable</li>
<li><b>0.8 - 1.0:</b> Good</li>
<p>Due to instrument limitations IMA/MEX measures protons with the energies higher than 1 keV. If possible the proton
parameters are reconsructed from the <a target='new' href="help/auto/img/mex_ima.png">ghost' distribution
<p>To compare : MAVEN/SWIA - MEX/IMA for 90 episodes in SW when the distance between s/c is less than 1 Rm:
<a target='new' href="help/auto/img/sw_density.png">density</a>
and <a target='new' href="help/auto/img/sw_velocity.png">velocity</a>.</p>