/** * Project : AMDA-NG4 * Name : AmdaApp.js * @class amdaApp.AmdaApp * @extends Ext.ux.desktop.App * @brief Main class defining Amda Desktop and its Modules * @author Ext JS Library 4.0 Copyright(c) 2006-2011 Sencha Inc. licensing@sencha.com */ Ext.define('amdaApp.AmdaApp', { extend: 'Ext.ux.desktop.App', requires: [ 'Ext.window.MessageBox', 'Ext.ux.desktop.ShortcutModel', 'amdaUI.SampToolBarUI', 'amdaDesktop.DynamicModule', 'MyDesktop.Settings' ], dynamicModules: { visu : { id : 'visu-win', icon : 'icon-visu_catalog', title : 'Visualization', source : 'amdaDesktop.VisuModule', useLauncher : true }, statistics : { id : 'statistics-win', icon : 'icon-statistics', title : 'Statistics', source : 'amdaDesktop.StatisticsModule', useLauncher : true }, catalog : { id : 'catalog-win', icon : 'icon-catalog', title : 'Manage catalogs', source : 'amdaDesktop.CatalogModule', useLauncher : true }, param : { id : 'param-win', icon : 'icon-parameters', title : 'Create/modify parameters', source : 'amdaDesktop.ParameterModule', useLauncher : true }, tt : { id : 'timetab-win', icon : 'icon-manage-tt', title : 'Manage Time Tables', source : 'amdaDesktop.TimeTableModule', useLauncher : true }, tt_op : { id : 'ttsOpe-win', icon : 'icon-tts', title : 'Operations on Time Tables', source : 'amdaDesktop.TimeTableOperationModule', useLauncher : true }, plot : { id : 'plot-win', icon : 'icon-plot', title : 'Plot Manager', source : 'amdaDesktop.PlotModule', useLauncher : true }, search : { id : 'search-win', icon : 'icon-search', title : 'Data Mining', source : 'amdaDesktop.SearchModule', useLauncher : true }, download : { id : 'down-win', icon : 'icon-download', title : 'Download data', source : 'amdaDesktop.DownloadModule', useLauncher : true }, upload : { id : 'up-win', icon : 'icon-mydata', title : 'Upload data', source : 'amdaDesktop.UploadModule', useLauncher : true }, interop : { id : 'interop-win', icon : 'icon-interop', title : 'Interoperability', source : 'amdaDesktop.InteropModule', useLauncher : true }, epntap : { id : 'epntap-win', icon : 'icon-interop', title : 'EPN-TAP data', source : 'amdaDesktop.EpnTapModule', useLauncher : false }, info : { id : 'info-win', icon : 'icon-information', title : 'About AMDA', source : 'amdaDesktop.AboutModule', useLauncher : false }, explorer : { id : 'explorer-win', icon : 'icon-elements', title : 'Workspace Explorer', source : 'amdaDesktop.ExplorerModule', useLauncher : false }, my_data : { id : 'mydata-win', icon : 'icon-mydata', title : 'Define parameter', source : 'amdaDesktop.MyDataModule', useLauncher : false }, help : { id : 'help-win', icon : 'icon-help', title : 'Help', source : 'amdaDesktop.HelpModule', useLauncher : false }, feedback : { id : 'feed-win', icon : 'icon-feedback', title : 'Feedback', source : 'amdaDesktop.FeedbackModule', useLauncher : false }, filters : { id : 'filters-win', icon : 'icon-filter', title : 'Filters', source : 'amdaDesktop.FiltersModule', useLauncher : false }, result : { id : 'result-win', contentId : 'resultUI', icon : 'icon-results', title : 'Results', source : 'amdaDesktop.ResultModule', useLauncher : false }, astro : { id : 'astroimages-win', icon : 'icon-interop', title : 'Astronomical Images', source : 'amdaDesktop.AstroImagesModule', useLauncher : false } }, // IDs of Modules working with parameters; used in Alias Node //TODO stats-win paramModulesID : ['plot-win', 'param-win', 'search-win', 'down-win'], // Important system constants MAX_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE : max_uploaded_file_size, // in B, from my_config.php listeners : { scope : this, beforeunload : function () { var interopModule = myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.interop.id); if (interopModule) interopModule.forceSampDisconnect(); return true; }, ready : function () { AmdaAction.cleanUserWS(function(res,e){},this); } }, init: function() { // custom logic before getXYZ methods get called... this.callParent(); // now ready... //override createWindow method of desktop Ext.override(Ext.ux.desktop.Desktop, { createWindow: function (config, cls) { var me = this; var win = this.callParent([config,cls]); win.on({ boxready: function (w) { w.dd.xTickSize = me.xTickSize; w.dd.yTickSize = me.yTickSize; if (w.resizer) { w.resizer.widthIncrement = me.xTickSize; w.resizer.heightIncrement = me.yTickSize; } if (w.y < 0) w.el.setY(0); if (w.x + w.width > me.el.getWidth()) w.el.setX(me.el.getWidth()-w.width); if (w.y + w.height > me.el.getHeight()) w.el.setY((me.el.getHeight()-w.height > 0) ? me.el.getHeight()-w.height : 0); }, single: true }); return win; } }); }, //create InfoBox infoMsg : function(msg) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'AMDA Info', cls: 'infoMsg', msg: msg, modal: false, autoScroll: true, resizable: true, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); }, //create InfoBox infoMsgLong : function(msg) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'AMDA Info', cls: 'infoMsgLong', msg: msg, modal: false, autoScroll: true, resizable: true, icon: Ext.Msg.INFO, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); }, //create WarningBox warningMsg : function(msg) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Attention', msg: msg, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); }, //create ErrorBox errorMsg : function(msg) { Ext.Msg.show({ title: 'Failure', msg: msg, icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK }); }, // add info icon; onCick AmdaHelp is shown addAmdaInfo : function(help, style) { if (style) { help += '" style="' + style; } var html = '<img amda_clicktip="' + help + '" src="js/resources/images/16x16/info_mini.png"' return { xtype: 'label', html: html, listeners: { click: { element: 'el', fn: function(e,t) { var me = t, text = me.getAttribute('amda_clicktip'); if (text) { e.preventDefault(); AmdaAction.getInfo({name : text}, function(res,e) { if (res.success) myDesktopApp.infoMsg(res.result); }); } } } } }; }, getModules : function(){ var allModules = []; //Add dynamic modules Ext.Object.each(this.dynamicModules, function(key, def) { allModules.push(new amdaDesktop.DynamicModule(def.id, def.icon, def.title, def.source, def.useLauncher)); }); return allModules; }, getDesktopConfig: function () { var me = this, ret = me.callParent(); var desktopId = 'AmdaDesktop'; var wallpaper = Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().get(desktopId+'_wallpaper'); if (!wallpaper) wallpaper = 'js/resources/images/desktop/wallpapers/Cdpp2.jpg'; return Ext.apply(ret, { id : desktopId, contextMenuItems: [ { text: 'Change Settings', handler: me.onSettings, scope: me } ], shortcuts: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { model: 'Ext.ux.desktop.ShortcutModel', data: [ { name: 'Help', iconCls: 'help', module: 'help-win' }, { name: 'Create/Modify parameter', iconCls: 'edit', module: 'param-win' }, { name: 'Plot data', iconCls: 'plot', module: 'plot-win'}, { name: 'Data mining', iconCls: 'search', module: 'search-win'}, { name: 'Statistics', iconCls: 'statistics', module: 'statistics-win'}, { name: 'Download data', iconCls: 'download_manager', module: 'down-win'}, { name: 'Upload data', iconCls: 'mydata', module: 'up-win'}, { name: 'Manage TimeTables', iconCls: 'timeTable', module: 'timetab-win' }, { name: 'TimeTables operations', iconCls: 'operations', module: 'ttsOpe-win' }, { name: 'Manage catalogs', iconCls: 'catalog', module: 'catalog-win'}, { name: 'Visualize catalogs', iconCls: 'visu_catalog', module: 'visu-win'}, { name: 'Interoperability', iconCls: 'interop', module: 'interop-win' } ] }), wallpaper: wallpaper, wallpaperStretch: false }); }, // config for the start menu getStartConfig : function() { var me = this, ret = me.callParent(); return Ext.apply(ret, { title: sessionID, iconCls: 'icon-user', height: 270, toolConfig: { width: 130, items: [ { text:'Settings', iconCls:'settings', handler: me.onSettings, scope: me }, '-', { text : 'Profile', iconCls : 'icon-user', id : 'profile-win-tool', handler : function(obj, e) { e.stopEvent(); AmdaAction.getUserInfo(this.onGetUserInfo,this); }, scope : this }, { text : 'Feedback', iconCls : 'icon-feedback', id : 'feed-win-tool', handler : function(obj, e) { e.stopEvent(); var moduleId = obj.el.id; this.getLoadedModule(moduleId.replace('-tool', ''), true, function(module) { module.createWindow(); }); }, scope : this }, { text : 'Help', iconCls : 'icon-help', id : 'help-win-tool', scope : this, handler : function(obj, e) { e.stopEvent(); var moduleId = obj.el.id; this.getLoadedModule(moduleId.replace('-tool', ''), true, function(module) { module.createWindow(); }); } }, { text : 'About AMDA', iconCls : 'icon-information', id : 'info-win-tool', scope : this, handler : function(obj, e) { e.stopEvent(); var moduleId = obj.el.id; this.getLoadedModule(moduleId.replace('-tool', ''), true, function(module) { module.createWindow(); }); } }, '-', { text : 'Workspaces', iconCls : 'icon-ws', disabled: true, scope : this }, '-', { text : 'Logout', iconCls : 'logout', scope : this, handler : me.onLogout } ] } }); }, getModuleDefinition: function(id) { return this.getModule(id); }, getLoadedModule: function(id, forceLoad, onReady) { var moduleDef = this.getModuleDefinition(id); if (!moduleDef) return null; if (!moduleDef.isReady()) { if (forceLoad) { //loadMask.show(); moduleDef.get(function (module) { //loadMask.hide(); if (onReady) onReady(module); }); } return null; } if (onReady) onReady(moduleDef.get()); return moduleDef.get(); }, getTaskbarConfig: function () { var ret = this.callParent(); return Ext.apply(ret, { quickStart: [], trayItems: [ { name: this.dynamicModules.feedback.title, iconCls: 'icon-feedback', tooltip: { text: this.dynamicModules.feedback.title, align: 'bl-tl' }, overflowText: this.dynamicModules.feedback.title, iconCls: this.dynamicModules.feedback.icon, scope: this, handler : function(obj, e) { e.stopEvent(); this.getLoadedModule(this.dynamicModules.feedback.id, true, function(module) { module.createWindow(); }); } }, { name: this.dynamicModules.info.title, iconCls: 'icon-information', tooltip: { text: this.dynamicModules.info.title, align: 'bl-tl' }, overflowText: this.dynamicModules.info.title, iconCls: this.dynamicModules.info.icon, scope: this, handler : function(obj, e) { e.stopEvent(); this.getLoadedModule(this.dynamicModules.info.id, true, function(module) { module.createWindow(); }); } }, { name: 'Logout', iconCls : 'logout', tooltip: { text: 'Logout', align: 'bl-tl' }, overflowText: 'Logout', scope : this, handler : this.onLogout }, '-', { xtype: 'trayclock', flex: 1 } ] }); }, onLogout: function (obj,e) { e.stopEvent(); if (isGuest) { this.guestLogout(); } else { this.saveSessionState(); } }, onGetUserInfo : function (result, e){ var t = e.getTransaction(); if (e.status) { if (result && result.success) { // SUCCESS var msg = '<b>Login :</b> '+result['login']+'<br/>'; msg += ('<b> Name :</b> '+result['first_name']+' '+result['name']+'<br/>'); msg += ('<b>Groups :</b> '+result['group']+'<br/>'); msg += ('<b>Email :</b> '+result['email']+'<br/>'); msg += ('<b>Registration date :</b> '+result['date']+'<br/>'); msg += ('<b>Disk space total / used / available :</b> '+result['total']+' / '+result['used']+' / '+result['available']+' MB<br/>'); this.infoMsg(msg); } else { //ERROR this.errorMsg('Cannot get user info'); } } else { // FAILURE this.errorMsg('Cannot get user info : '+e.message); } }, guestLogout: function() { Ext.Msg.show({ title : 'Logout', msg :'Your guest workspace is to be deleted. Continue logout ?', buttons : Ext.Msg.YESNO, iconCls : 'logout', fn : function(btn) { if (btn == 'yes'){ AmdaAction.logout(true, function(){ sessionID = ''; window.location.href ='index.html'; }); } } }); }, forceLogout: function(){ // myDesktopApp.warningMsg('Your guest session is finished'); AmdaAction.logout(true, function(){ sessionID = ''; window.location.href ='index.html'; }); }, saveSessionState : function() { var me = this; Ext.Msg.show({ title : 'Logout', msg :'Do you want to keep current windows sizes and locations<br/> for the next sessions?', buttons : Ext.Msg.YESNOCANCEL, iconCls : 'logout', fn : function(btn) { if (btn == 'yes'){ //set wallpaper Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().set(me.desktop.id+'_wallpaper',me.desktop.getWallpaper()); Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().on({ scope : this, aftersave : function(provider) { sessionID = ''; window.location.href ='index.html'; } }); Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().saveState(); AmdaAction.logout(false); } else if (btn == 'no') { Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().on({ scope : this, aftersave : function(provider) { sessionID = ''; window.location.href ='index.html'; } }); Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().set(me.desktop.id+'_wallpaper',me.desktop.getWallpaper()); Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().saveLastTime(); AmdaAction.logout(false); } } }); }, onSettings: function () { var dlg = new MyDesktop.Settings({ desktop: this.desktop }); dlg.show(); }, /** * initialization at the start of AMDA-NG webApplication */ initProject : function() { moduleIds = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); // Adding Workspace Explorer Id moduleIds.add(this.dynamicModules.explorer.id); moduleIds.each(function(item) { this.getLoadedModule(item, true, function (module) { module.createWindow(); }); }, this); if (freeSpace < diskQuota / 20) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg('Think of cleaning up your work space.<br/>Only ' + Math.round(freeSpace/1024/1024)+ 'MB of '+Math.round(diskQuota/1024/1024) + 'MB rests'); } if (isFirstVisit && !isGuest) { myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.help.id, true, function(module) { module.createWindow(); }); } else { if (isSpecialInfo && !isNewInfo) { myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.info.id, true, function(module) { module.createWindow(isSpecialInfo, 'Welcome on AMDA', true); }); } } if (isNewInfo) { myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.info.id, true, function(module) { // module.createWindow('releaseNotes.' + AMDAVERSION, 'New Release V'+ AMDAVERSION); module.createWindow(news, 'Amda Latest News'); }); } if (isGuest) { myDesktopApp.warningMsg("Welcome to Guest Session<br/>Guest session lasts for "+ guestSessionDuration/3600+" h maximum<br/>"+ "For extended use time and functionalities (saved sessions)<br/> please register at amda@irap.omp.eu"); Ext.Function.defer(myDesktopApp.warningMsg,(guestSessionDuration-300)*1000, this, ["Your session will be closed in 5 min!"]); Ext.Function.defer(myDesktopApp.forceLogout, guestSessionDuration*1000); } this.desktop.taskbar.tray.width = 130; this.desktop.taskbar.insert(4,new amdaUI.SampToolBarUI({id : 'samptb', onSwitchConnect : function () { myDesktopApp.getLoadedModule(myDesktopApp.dynamicModules.interop.id, true, function(module) { module.switchSampConnect(); }); }})); } });