<?php /** * @api {get} getParameterList.php getParameterList * @apiDescription Provides the hierarchy of parameters belonging to a user in AMDA. * @apiName getParameterList * @apiGroup webservices * * @apiParam {String} userID Identifier of the user in AMDA. * @apiParam {String} password password of the user in AMDA. * * @apiSuccess {String} success `true` * @apiSuccess {String} url_XYZ URL of the file containing the points. * * @apiError {String} success `false` * @apiError {String} faultcode The error code. * @apiError {String} faultstring The error message. * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * http://amda.irap.omp.eu/AMDA/data/WSRESULT/obsdatatree_impex_20180727_AmdaLocalDataBaseParameters.xml * * @apiErrorExample * HTTP/1.1 4xx OK * {"success":false,"faultcode":"server00","faultstring":"Server error"} */ require_once '../config.php'; $amda_ws = new WebServer(); $result = $amda_ws->getParameterList($_GET); if ($result['ParameterList']){ foreach($result['ParameterList'] as $key => $value) { echo "<$key>$value</$key><br/>"; } } else { echo $result['message']; } ?>